建拳皇服务器的工具,配置文件如下! 将以下代码复制并存为kaillerasrv.conf放在同级目录下; ; Kaillera server config file ; ServerName can be up to 64 characters long. ServerName=The King Of Fighters(For Myself) ; Location can be up to 64 characters long. Location=123456789 ; URL can be up to 128 characters long. (ex: http://www.mysite.com/) URL= MaxUsers=2 Port=27888 ; Set Public to 0 if you want to run the server on a private LAN Public=1 ; Use this parameter if you want to manually specify your server's ; IP address or leave blank for automatic ; (ex: IP= IP= ; Messages flood protection ; FloodMsgNb is the max. number of times a same message has to ; be received in FloodMsgTime seconds. FloodMsgNb=5 FloodMsgTime=3 ; Minimum ping restriction (in ms) ; 0=disabled MinPing=0 ; Maximum connection setting restriction ; 0=disabled, 1=Bad, 2=Low, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Excellant, 6=LAN MaxConnSet=0 ; Message of the Day ; Note that you can stack "MotdLine" options ;MotdLine=Welcome to unknown serv0r! You can ;MotdLine=see our website at http://web.site/ ; AllowWebAccess (1=yes,0=no) AllowWebAccess=1 ; End of Kaillera server config file
2024-03-09 16:01:50 21KB WinKawaks
2024-03-09 14:38:04 2.35MB
Winkawaks的变革,像Mame一样使用IPS,像Nebula一样添加dat 它的最大特色就是能使用Mame的IPS补丁,亲测大部分都能用。另外又可以将单独的dat文件放到romdata文件夹内实行添加Hack游戏。
2021-12-19 21:16:08 1.57MB loader
WinKawaks模拟器画面有条纹如何解决 我们现在设置一下 看操作 好了
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