今天我们给大家分享一个基于HTML5 Canvas的星云动画特效,整个画面模拟了一个星系的外观,比如模拟了太阳系,有很多小行星围绕着星系中心旋转,星系中心也显得格外亮丽。这些小星点都是在Canvas上绘制而成,同时我们还可以拖拽鼠标从不同视角观看星云,非常大气。
2024-06-18 18:42:22 153KB HTML5应用
2024-06-18 18:34:41 1.04MB webgl
项目Unity开发版本是:Unity 2021.3.19f1 利用这套框架可以开发出热更新游戏,这套框架也有对应的文档, 文档地址:https://docs.xgamedev.net/zh/documents/0.8/ 这套框架作者加了很多其他的插件以及功能在其中,比如查看日志的插件ConsolePro和Reporter以及微信小游戏开发工具等等。
2024-06-08 22:50:30 58.54MB unity android ios 微信
Best HTTP2 2.6.2 支持 unity2021 及unity202最新WebGL WebSocket 组件
2024-05-23 16:33:59 2.61MB unity BestHTTP2
2024-05-13 10:18:57 12.79MB unity webgl 串口 usb
机器人 具有webgl技术的网页的机械臂页面 该网站由仿真和设计两部分组成。 在“模拟”部分中,您可以查看最知名的机械臂品牌的不同模型。 在设计部分,用户可以通过在零件目录中选择机械臂的不同零件来设计自己的机械臂。 在这两个选项中,我们可以注册一系列动作,以便可以依次执行这些动作,从而产生运动效果。
2024-05-08 12:07:43 28.15MB JavaScript
内嵌网页插件 仅支持web平台
2024-04-12 13:02:35 1014KB unity
untiy webgl 打开 PDF文件
2024-03-17 14:11:01 3KB untiy webgl
2024-03-15 12:58:10 80.17MB AVProVideo 海康摄像头
UMP is universal Media Framework plugin for Unity that based on Video LAN Codec (libVLC) native libraries. Support E-mail: unitydirectionkit@gmail.com Try: Demo (Win64) Demo (Mac64) Important: - Please read user manual before start use UMP; - For possibility to use external/installed VLC libraries you should install the regular VLC player (Unity 64-bit Editor == VLC player 64-bit); - Doesn't support Android & iOS platforms without UMP Pro (Android, iOS); - For correct work with UMP Pro (Android, iOS) package at first import UMP Pro (Android, iOS) package and after it import UMP Pro (Win, Mac, Linux) package in your project; Main features: + Included full C# source code; + Full compability with UMP Pro (Android, iOS); + Supported platforms: * Windows (x86, x86_64); * Mac (x86_64); * Linux (x86, x86_x64, Universal); * WebGL (experimantal) - supported media formats and browser compatibility Checked on next OS: Win - 7, 8, 8.1, 10; Mac - 10.10 Yosemite, 10.11 El Capitan; Linux - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS; WebGL - Firefox, Chrome. + Supported possibility to use external VLC libraries; + Supported possibility to easy switch subtitles (SPU) and audio tracks; + Supported Unity Audio Source component (only Win, Mac & Linux); + Supported transparent videos; + Supported possibility to get pixels of current video frame; + Supported video hosting services: * Youtube (don't support: everything private (private videos, bought movies, ...), don't support "Youtube Live Streams"); + Full compatibility with Unity Editor on supported platforms in different modes (fast native texture updates): Direct3D9, Direct3D11 and OpenGL; + Supported local video file playback, main formats (only for Win, Mac & Linux): 3GPP (.3gp), AVI (.avi), FLV (.flv), SWF (.swf), M4V (.m4v), Matroska (.mkv), Ogg Video (.ogg), QuickTime File Format (.mov, .qt), WebM (.webm), Windows Media Video (.wmv). + Supported main streaming media protocols (only for Win, Mac & Linux): HTTPS, HTTP, HLS, RTSP, RTMP. + Supported main video player events: Opening, Buffering, Playing, Paused, Stopped, Ended, Error. + Supported full logging system from native library in Unity Editor for more debugging possibility with different depth: Warning, Debug, Error. + Supported main video player features, like: play, pause, mute, playback rate, rewind, snapshot, (SRT) subtitles, possibility to switch the audio output and ect...
2024-03-11 15:13:42 147B Unity RTSP WebGL