找资料做WINFORM来嵌入一个浏览器来开发,CS和BS想结合来,开会的程序有CS的性能,也有BS的灵活,因为内容来自服务器端,C#自带的WEBBROWSE,对很多网页的新的技术不太友好, 现手上接了一个项目,通过WINFORM程序能嵌入POWERBI的报表,POWERBI做好的报表可以引用一个URL连接,而这个连接可以在浏览器里运行,不过不是每个浏览器都可以运行,要支持才可以,自带的WEBBROWSE就不行了,改成EDAGE内核也不行,经过研究 发现了 谷歌出品的 Chrome 浏览器插件CefSharp, 完美支持C# VB.NET。 我的例子,还支持打开多页 TABS (像CHROM浏览器一样) 支持 SESSION 共享 (可以多个页面共享一个登录的SESSION) 并写下一步步代码和教程。 由于插件比较大,所以下载的包就没有上传,只留下代码部分 不过我教程里已经写下怎样下载,相信按一步步操作,肯定可以成功的。
2022-05-23 19:01:05 1.52MB C# WebBrowse 多页 Chrome
Chrome based Browser Engine for .NET EO.WebBrowser is a web browser engine based on Google's Chromium project but with native .NET programming interface --- don't worry, it's not a wrapper around the Chrome browser installed on your machine. In fact EO.WebBrowser has the whole browser engine embedded inside a single .NET DLL. In another word, it has zero external dependency. Just reference and use. Why use EO.WebBrowser? • Based on Google's Chrome Project EO.WebBrowser uses the same core Google's Chrome and Apple Safari uses. It does not rely on IE. The engine is much faster and safer. • Zero External Dependency What if user updates/uninstall their browser? What if user disables JavaScript in Internet Explorer's settings dialog? These questions does not exist with EO.WebBrowser because everything is embedded inside our DLL files. • Native .NET components written in C# Because it's written in .NET, you can use it with any .NET based language/development tool. The same DLL works for both 32 bit and 64 bit environments; • Easy to use Programming Interface EO.WebBrowser offers core components that can be used in any Windows application, as well as wrapper controls for both Windows Forms applications and WPF applications; • Extensive Customization Options EO.WebBrowser offers extensive customization options that allow you to customize context menu, hot keys, JavaScript dialogs, file dialogs, focus and window control. Together these features allow you to seamlessly integrate the browser engine into your application; • .NET code -> JavaScript code Turn any web page into an integral part of your application -- both visually and programmatically. You can execute JavaScript code and access all the JavaScript objects directly from your .NET code. Access their properties or even call a JavaScript function are all different options available to you; • JavaScript code -> .NET code Things always go both ways --- and this is reflected in our progra
2021-08-24 12:38:34 84.3MB EO.WebBrowse
EO.Total includes EO.Web, EO.Pdf, EO.Wpf and EO.WebBrowser. WebBrowser内置谷歌游览器内核,可以加载显示网页,可以对网页发送消息进行监听拦截,可以直接执行JavaScript,完成自动登录等网页操作,使用C#语言开发,资源包含License
2019-12-21 19:25:16 82.28MB EO.WebBrowse key License EO.Total