2022-12-17 16:00:35 14.69MB 域思 域思网络http://www.wix.com.cn提供
Who this book is for If you are a developer and want to create installers for software targeting the Windows platform, then this book is for you. Those new to WiX and Windows Installer should feel right at home as we start with the basics and gradually work up to more complex subjects. Others with more experience will benefit as we catalog the new features in WiX 3.6. If you're coming from an earlier version of WiX, you'll be happy to know that for the most part, things that used to work will still work. However, several tasks, such as implementing a major upgrade, have been simplified. We'll highlight the big changes, but keep an eye on familiar elements as some subtle changes have been made.
2022-05-30 09:09:05 3.54MB wix
Wix嵌入式MySql Wix嵌入式MySql库提供了一种在集成测试中运行真实MySql的方法。 为什么? 您的测试可以在类似于生产的环境中运行:匹配版本,编码,时区,数据库/模式/用户设置; 它比手工安装正确的版本容易,容易得多。 您可以在没有任何本地设置的情况下为每个项目使用不同的版本/配置; 支持多种平台:Windows,Linux和OSX; 提供不断更新的MySql的多个版本-5.5、5.6、5.7、8.0; 所有受支持的OS(x86 / x64)和版本(5.5、5.6、5.7、8.0)的测试矩阵。 玛文 向您的pom.xml添加依赖项: < dependency> < groupId>com.wix < artifactId>wix-embedded-mysql
2022-05-20 22:12:29 99KB Java
An in-and-out, to-the-point introduction to Windows Installer XML
2021-08-23 13:50:07 3.46MB WiX XML
由于 Lusamine 的背叛,Ather 基金会的一部分离开了 Alola(因为他们实际上关心 Pokemon)并前往 Ombrix 地区,在那里他们与 Galax.co 的另一个组织联合起来,为来自黑暗裂缝遍布 Ombrix。 Ombrix Ather 和 Galax.co 最终成为 Pokemon SC (Secure and Contain) 的一个组织。 他们所有 6 个名为 Ultregas(Ultra Pokemon)的项目都失败了,并正在帮助受感染的暗能量 Pokemon 摧毁城镇和村庄。 暗能量教授Ficus在疫情爆发前来到该地区,以逃离阿罗拉的究极野兽。 玩家通过为他收集暗能量来帮助他,并在此过程中做出会影响故事和游戏结果的选择。 阿尔宙斯和整个多元宇宙的命运取决于你的行动。
2021-08-05 16:03:59 769.94MB 开源软件
2021-06-22 14:36:23 5.34MB Wix打包
WiX Tutorial 官方文档整理出来的PDF 不能经常上网所以就把它全部保存下来了 分为9章 WiX Tutorial — Introduction to the Windows Installer XML Toolset 。。。 WiX Tutorial - Checklist 对初学WIX的很有帮助
2021-06-21 14:28:46 421KB WIX Tutorial Windows Installer
2021-05-08 13:03:46 32.77MB wix
WiX Toolset v3.7 The most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience. Free and Open Source since 2004!
2021-03-02 11:36:48 20.32MB WiX MSI installation
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2021-02-11 09:07:00 26KB yandex market wix Go