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2023-09-18 15:12:37 139.64MB unity vr ar mr
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2023-03-16 22:55:45 130.75MB ar
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2023-01-02 19:22:02 137.4MB vuforia9.8.8
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2023-01-02 19:22:02 215.52MB vuforia
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2023-01-02 14:21:57 41.38MB vuforia
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2022-12-29 11:39:42 19.84MB vuforia ar android studio
本资源包提供图片识别Image Target 图片,一个三星,一个四星。无偿分享,便于读者做图片识别案例。Vuforia Target Manager The Vuforia Target Manager is a web-based tool that enables you to create and manage target databases on Vuforia’s developer portal. Choose between Device, VuMark, and Cloud databases and upload your targets to the manager for visual evaluation and processing.Supported Targets The Target Manager supports target images of type Image Targets,Once you have a license key defined in the License Manager, you can proceed
2022-12-01 09:28:10 705KB 图片识别 Vuforia UnityAR AR
该资源包适用于Vuforia物体识别(安卓平台),3D Object的扫描。内含:1.Vuforia Object Scanner APK其用于导入安卓手机,安装3D物体扫描akp,扫描3D物体上传至Vuforia官网。2.里面的Media文件包里含有两种类型的PDF扫描文件,一种是A4类型,一种是Letter类型。The Vuforia Target Manager is a web-based tool that enables you to create and manage target databases on Vuforia’s developer portal. Choose between Device, VuMark, and Cloud databases and upload your targets to the manager for visual evaluation and processing.The Target Manager supports target images of type:Object Targets。(let us make)
2022-11-30 09:29:27 7.62MB Vuforia 3DObject unity3d 3D物体扫描
内含:Vuforia图片识别超详细案例(小岛动画交互)+代码 属于Vuforia(拓展)板块。Use Vuforia Engine to build Augmented Reality Android, iOS, and UWP applications for mobile devices and AR glasses. Apps can be built with Unity, Android Studio, Xcode, and Visual Studio. Vuforia Engine can be easily imported into Unity by downloading and double-clicking the .unitypackage below.Vuforia Engine is the most widely used platform for AR development, with support for the majority of phones, tablets, and eyewear. Developers can easily
2022-11-30 09:29:26 4.02MB Vuforia unity3d ar 增强现实