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Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac Version 10.3.3 (1667)
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for Mac OS 10.10 or later Version 10.1.8 (983) 24 APR 2018, 06:03 20.48 MB F209390C434BCC8839B00F6316B2AFFB RELEASE NOTES What's new in this update: We've got some awesome updates in this release. In between several bug fixes, we've made the following noteworthy improvements: Added support for changing the remote resolution by resizing the session window! Fixed scenarios where remote resource feed download would take an excessively long time. Resolved the 0x207 error that could occur when connecting to servers not patched with the CredSSP encryption oracle remediation update (CVE-2018-0886).
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Manifest-Version: 1.0 Specification-Title: Oracle JDBC driver classes for use with JDK14 Sealed: true Created-By: 1.4.2_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Implementation-Title: ojdbc14.jar Specification-Vendor: Oracle Corporation Specification-Version: Oracle JDBC Driver version - "" Implementation-Version: Oracle JDBC Driver version - "" Implementation-Vendor: Oracle Corporation Implementation-Time: Wed Apr 7 23:36:10 2010
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