VerilogA標準參考手冊, 方便查閱和學習, 這份還不錯!
2022-03-14 19:29:23 272KB verilog veriloga verilog-a verilog-ams
实值建模(RVM)是一种方法,你可以通过它来执行模拟或验证 采用离散模拟实值的混合信号设计。 这只允许使用模拟 该数字解算器,避免了较慢的模拟仿真,实现了密集的验证 短时间内混合信号设计。 在这种情况下,您需要考虑权衡 在仿真性能和精度之间。 RVM还提供了链接的可能性 与其他先进的验证技术,如基于断言的验证,没有 与模拟引擎接口或定义新的语义来处理 模拟值。 预计您将通过迁移模拟来启用RVM flow 模型或晶体管级设计到RVM风格
2021-09-22 17:02:44 1.02MB 嵌入式系统
The Verilog Hardware Description Language (Verilog-HDL) has long been the most popular language for describing complex digital hardware. It started life as a proprietary language but was donated by Cadence Design Systems to the design community to serve as the basis of an open standard. That standard was formalized in 1995 by the IEEE in standard 1364-1995. About that same time a group named Analog Verilog International formed with the intent of proposing extensions to Verilog to support analog and mixed-signal simulation. The first fruits of the labor of that group became available in 1996 when the language definition of Verilog-A was released. Verilog-A was not intended to work directly with Verilog-HDL. Rather it was a language with Similar syntax and related semantics that was intended to model analog systems and be compatible with SPICE-class circuit simulation engines. The first implementation of Verilog-A soon followed: a version from Cadence that ran on their Spectre circuit simulator.
2021-06-11 17:14:38 7.53MB Verilog AMS
Verilog-AMS Language Reference Manual.pdf
2021-01-28 01:41:50 2.34MB Verilog——AMS、
Verilog-AMS和VHDL-AMS出现还不到4年,是一种新的标准。作为硬件行为级的建模语言,Verilog-AMS和VHDL-AMS分别是Verilog和VHDL的超集,而Verilog-A则是Verilog-AMS的一个子集。 Verilog-AMS硬件描述语言是符合IEEE 1364标准的Verilog HDL的1个子集。它覆盖了由OVI组织建议的Verilog HDL的定义和语义,目的是让数模混合信号集成电路的设计者,既能用结构描述又能用高级行为描述来创建和使用模块。所以,用Verilog HDL语言可以使设计者在整个设计过程的不同阶段(从结构方案的分析比较,直到物理器件的实现),均能使用不同级别的抽象。
2020-01-15 03:07:39 2.12MB Verilog AMS 仿真建模