虚机资源的分配---CPU、内存 CPU分配原则: 尽量使用最少的vCPUs,如果是单线程应用,不支持多线程处理,请不要使用virtual SMP 虚拟CPU数量不要等于或超过物理CPU核数,如双路双核服务器配置的虚机最多使用两个虚拟CPU 当配置虚拟机的时候须了解ESX服务器本身也有一些overhead。需注意不要超过所有虚拟机使用率和所有vCPU汇总数目。 观察”idle loop spin”功能参数,某些操作系统当它们闲置时,并不会真正的释放virtual CPU。 确认配置了单一处理器的虚拟机为”UP HAL/kernel”,多处理器的虚拟机必须设定为”SMP HAL/kernel”。 内存分配原则: 内存总量为在资源评估后,计算虚拟机评估结果所需实际物理内存的总和,其他由于应用程序而产生的更多内存需要可以用ESX的磁盘内存来解决 关键应用可考虑固定内存的方法以保证性能的稳定性 Key Points: [Slide purp操作系统e: to relate the challenges on previous slide to important consequences of th操作系统e challenges] Result of these challenges is: Increasing c操作系统ts related to desktop infrastructure Decreasing manageability Increasing security risks Additional Notes: Increasing c操作系统ts: Only about 30% of TCO of PC’s is the c操作系统t of hardware; the remaining 70% is the c操作系统t of deployment, management, and support Backup, recovery, and remote access require additional spending and continuous updating A distributed desktop environment complicates management and tasks like backup, leading to these higher c操作系统ts Decreasing manageability: Continuous stream of patches and updates that need to be tested against all 操作系统 images in environment Complexity of migrating to new PC hardware because new PC hardware often requires new 操作系统 image or even new 操作系统 version Growing security risks: Cases involving theft of proprietary information were twice as common in 2005 as in previous year (Computer Security Institute survey) Average c操作系统t of a security breach was $204,000 per survey respondent (Computer Security Institute survey)
2022-05-05 18:13:43 2.31MB VMware 虚拟化 实践 规划
2022-04-18 09:04:32 1.84MB VMware虚拟化最佳实践及规划
虚拟机内容 10 文件夹/子目录 文件名 说明 .vmx VM 配置 .vmdk 虚拟磁盘 -flat.vmdk 预分配的虚拟磁盘文件 (包含数据) .vswp 交换文件 nvram 非易失性 RAM 文件 .vmem VM 内存 .vmss VM 挂起文件 .vmsd 快照数据 -Snapshot.vmsn 快照状态文件 VMware-0.log、vmware-1.log 等 日志文件 Now that you understand how storage is presented to the virtual machines and the basic storage terminology. Let’s look at what files make a virtual machine. When you create a virtual machine, ESX automatically creates certain files that are associated with the new virtual machine. Let’s briefly discuss some of the files that compose the virtual machine content folder and what they do: .vmx is the virtual machine configuration. This is the primary configuration file, which stores settings chosen in the New Virtual Machine Wizard or virtual machine settings editor. .vmdk is an ASCII format, which stores the contents of the virtual machine's hard disk drive. There could be one or more virtual disk files. -flat.vmdk is single preallocated disk file that contains the data. .vswp are the swap files and are on a per-virtual-machine basis. .nvram is a non-volatile RAM that stores virtual machine BIOS information. .vmem is the virtual machine memory mapped to a file. .vmss is the virtual machine suspend state file, which stores the state of a suspended virtual machine. .vmsd is a centralized file for storing information and metadata about snapshots. .vmsn is the snapshot state file, which stores the running state of a virtual machine at the time you take the snapshot. .log are the virtual machine log files. This file can be useful in troubleshooting if you encounter problems. This file is stored in the directory that holds the configuration (.vmx) file of the virtual machine. A virtual machine is stored as a set of files and usually reside in a folder or subdirectory that is created by ESX for this virtual machine.
2021-10-02 23:15:02 2.57MB 虚拟化