World's fastest password cracker World's first and only in-kernel rule engine Free Open-Source (MIT License) Multi-OS (Linux, Windows and macOS) Multi-Platform (CPU, GPU, APU, etc., everything that comes with an OpenCL runtime) Multi-Hash (Cracking multiple hashes at the same time) Multi-Devices (Utilizing multiple devices in same system) Multi-Device-Types (Utilizing mixed device types in same system) Supports password candidate brain functionality Supports distributed cracking networks (using overlay) Supports interactive pause / resume Supports sessions Supports restore Supports reading password candidates from file and stdin Supports hex-salt and hex-charset Supports automatic performance tuning Supports automatic keyspace ordering markov-chains Built-in benchmarking system Integrated thermal watchdog 350+ Hash-types implemented with performance in mind ... and much more
2021-11-09 17:01:32 2.59MB linux
20160401_火狐及谷歌浏览器插件V2.0.1.1.zip BC.zip, C#.zip, Delphi示例程序.zip, Java_jna.zip, PowerBuiler.zip, VB.zip, VC.zip 精伦210驱动软件.zip 精伦新版 OCX控件V3.4.1.4.zip 通用二次开发包V4.0.0.7.zip 可定制开发身份证阅读器B/S端,C/S端软件 部分项目已在github开源
2021-04-03 14:13:17 13.65MB 身份证阅读器
20160401_火狐及谷歌浏览器插件V2.0.1.1.zip BC.zip, C#.zip, Delphi示例程序.zip, Java_jna.zip, PowerBuiler.zip, VB.zip, VC.zip 精伦210驱动软件.zip 精伦新版 OCX控件V3.4.1.4.zip 通用二次开发包V4.0.0.7.zip 可定制开发身份证阅读器B/S端,C/S端软件 部分项目已在github开源
2019-12-21 21:02:28 3.26MB bs 浏览器