PrusaSlicer V2.5.2
2023-09-17 21:11:00 81.84MB PrusaSlicerV2.5
为您提供Jumpserver下载,Jumpserver 是一款由python编写开源的跳板机(堡垒机)系统,实现了跳板机应有的功能。基于ssh协议来管理,客户端无需安装agent。 支持常见系统:1、redhat centos2、debian3、suse ubuntu4、freebsd5、其他ssh协议硬件设备特点:完全开源,GPL授权Python编写,容易再次开发实现了跳板机基本功能,认证、授权、审计集成了Ansible,批量命
BestHTTP/2 插件,unity商店里买得还挺贵的,老版本可以研究学习下,做商业开发还是去商店买最新的支持下。
2022-05-17 17:08:26 2.52MB unity 游戏引擎
Mtree is a powerful tree creation tool for the Unity editor. Nominated for best Artistic Tool 2019 Unity Awards. Every game needs vegetation, and while there are numerous vegetation packs for sale on the asset store, nothing beats the usefulness of having total control over the look and performance of the assets. Mtree will not only create beautiful looking vegetation, it will streamline your workflow by removing the need of modelling, unwrapping, importing your vegetation models from another software, and doing it all over again when you need to change a small detail. With Mtree, there will be less iterations over your models, and they will be quicker. Mtree trees are made in unity, for unity, the material is right, the dimensions are right, and everything is simple. Moreover, a good mesh is not enough in order to have a believable vegetation asset, you need a good shader, a good wind displacement solution, and vertex data to feed those; Mtree will answer every one of these needs. Mtree offers an intuitive, simple, yet complete solution for crafting AAA trees in a matter of minutes. With Mtree you can: • Create a trunk of any shape. • Add branches, grow them, split stem, add more branches. • Add leafs of any shape. • Bake the ambient occlusion in the vertex data. • Control the polygon count, get the most out of the fewest triangles. • Create Branches textures from a single leaf texture with the Branch Editor. • Save your finished tree as a prefab that is convenient to use. What Mtree will do for you: • Automatically create LOD levels. • Create and assign materials to the bark and leaves of your trees. • Make branches react to the colliders of your scene. • Create and render a billboard when you save the tree as prefab. • Bake the ambient occlusion when you save the tree as prefab. • Create vertex color data that will be used to drive the wind simulation and random color variation.
2021-08-03 09:47:18 147B unity tree
Unity代码混淆插件 Obfuscator.直接导入即可使用,根据pdf文档 ,可进一步加密。 This asset obfuscates your code to make it harder for bad guys to reverse engineer your projects. Specifically designed for Unity, it seamlessly links in with its build process. The top priority of this package is to work straight out of the box with no extra steps required.
2020-02-09 03:14:30 842KB unity 代码混淆 加密
曙光QQ协议解析工具(LCQQParser)是一款好用的pcqq协议解析工具,该工具界面简洁,操作方便,最初衷是我在分析时用的抓包工具虽然很强大,但是感觉用起来很不方便.所以自己就下决心随手写了这款软件.希望能帮到我这样的同行.   本程序需要.net 2.0框架支持,没有此框架是运行不了的。因此在运行之前保证安装有2.0的.net框架。有什么功能建议欢迎在后面跟帖回复。
2019-12-21 22:11:12 1.44MB LCQQParser QQ协议 QQ协议解析 曙光QQ协议