JTT808 部标模拟终端,可模拟注册、鉴权、自动上报位置、拍照上传多媒体数据、1078实时音视频等。对部标监控平台的研发、测试有比较大的帮助, 大大提高开发效率。 程序说明: https://blog.csdn.net/WXL2010/article/details/126789250
2022-11-01 14:52:58 382.07MB java opencv ffmpeg jt808
大家对于AE内置的Fractal Noise一定不陌生,不过它只是基于二维的。而该插件允许你创建基于三维的噪波,受摄影机及灯光影响,并且还具有“遮挡图层”,根据Depth Map与3D渲染的图像进行合成等功能, Create Fractal Noise in three dimensions! Very useful for integrating noise in 3D composites. It reacts to After Effects comp cameras and lights.
2022-06-09 09:10:23 45.96MB 特效 视频处理
一 简介 talfta是拥有独立知识产权的国产软件,主要功能是故障树建模、定性分析、定量分析以及故障树仿真。 二 主要特点 1 支持模型元素全面,分析内容丰富 talfta既支持GJB768A中定义的全部事件类型以及全部逻辑门类型,又支持全部动态逻辑门。分析内容既包括静态故障树分析,也包括动态故障树分析。故障树仿真既包括发生概率仿真、概率重要度仿真、相对概率重要度仿真,还包括无故障时间仿真及不可靠度曲线仿真。 2 准确高效,适用性强 talfta既支持单棵大型复杂故障树的建模及分析,也支持经由“子树”节点关联起来的多颗关联故障树的建模以及相应的一次性分析。 支持基于故障发生概率的故障树分析,也支持基于故障率的故障树分析。 除此之外,还支持对复杂故障树海量仿真次数的蒙特卡洛仿真,支持包含小概率事件的故障树的计算及仿真。这些能力使得应用talfta进行故障树建模、分析、计算及仿真几乎没有限制。 3 功能紧凑、简单易用 4
2022-04-15 10:00:39 536KB 黑果 macos WhateverGreen 显卡驱动
GPU Instancer is an out of the box solution to display extreme numbers of objects on screen with high performance. With a few mouse clicks, you can instance your prefabs, Unity Terrain details and trees. GPU Instancer provides user friendly tools to allow everyone to use Indirect GPU Instancing without having to go through the deep learning curve of Compute Shaders and GPU infrastructure. Also, an API with extensive documentation is provided to manage runtime changes. ——————————— FEATURES ——————————— – Out of the box solution for complex GPU Instancing. – VR compatible. Works with both single pass and multi pass rendering modes. – Mobile compatible. Works with both iOS and Android. – Easy to use interface. – Tens of thousands of objects rendered lightning fast in a single draw call. – GPU frustum culling. – GPU occlusion culling (also supports VR platforms with both single pass and multi pass rendering modes). – Automatically configured custom shader support. – Supports Standard, Universal and HD Render Pipelines. – Complex hierarchies of prefabs instanced with a single click. – Multiple sub-meshes support. – LOD Groups and cross-fading support. (Cross-fading is supported on Standard Render Pipeline only) – Automatic 2D Billboard generation system (Standard RP only). – Shadows casting and receiving support for instances (frustum culled instances still can cast shadows). – Ability to use custom shadow distance per prototype and to choose the LOD to render shadows with. – Support for Floating Origin handling. – Multiple camera support. – Well documented API for procedural scenes and runtime modifications (examples included). – Ability to Remove instances inside bounds or colliders at runtime. – Ability to extend with custom Compute Shaders. – Example scenes that showcase GPU Instancer capabilities. Prefab Instancing Features: – Ability to automatically instance prefabs at your scene that you distribute with your favorite prefab painting tool. – Automatically Add-Re
2021-11-01 20:05:36 99B unity
2021-09-17 16:33:43 1.16MB esp8266 SDK
Windows 7 Loader V1.5.4 By Daz┊Windows 7 RTM激活工具┊英文绿色免费版
2021-09-03 07:44:12 1.09MB Windows 7 Loader V1.5.4
2021-07-14 11:00:48 290KB 黑果 macos Lilu