2022-10-15 09:01:29 128MB 黑群晖 42962
==================================================================== Coded By : unis Email : iarkgen@gmail.com Team : none Protection : RSA 2048, SHA1, Custom Greetings : _SiNnEr_[CORE], [MESMERiZE], F0RB1DD3N [tPORt] Thanks to : RageSV, MesSir, delphilover! ==================================================================== How to Use: ----------- 1. Install RAD Studio XE7UP1 RTM with generated Serial Number!!! This is very important step!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not use any other serial numbers from internet!!! 2. Click "Patch". 3. Enter your Registration Code... Or leave this field empty then the keygen itself readout that code on the next step. 4. Click "Generate Activation File". 5. Start RAD Studio. 6. If application crash at start, exclude bds.exe from DEP. 7. If possible, block internet access from the application! (recommended) --- If you have any problem, pls send me log (right mouse click, on memo -> show Log) --- Enjoy!!!
2022-08-31 18:24:51 1.23MB XE7 UP1 注册机
Unity Knife Up1.4_类似商场里的口红机小游戏源码,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XgNbBb87yMMh2ucwUiGGYA,购买之前请先确认链接可用,文件里是链接密码。资源仅供大家学习交流,下载的文件很小,是因为这是网盘的资源链接的密码,资源在网盘中,请大家确认链接有效后,放心下载。
2021-08-04 18:18:57 4B 口红机小游戏 源码 unity
到今天(2018年3月29日)为止最新的VMWARE ESXI 6.5 update1已打包realtek瑞昱系列网卡驱动(支持以下瑞昱网卡Realtek RTL8111B / RTL8168B / RTL8111/RTL8168 / RTL8111C / RTL8111CP / RTL8111D(L) / RTL8168C / RTL8111DP / RTL8111E / RTL8168E / RTL8111F / RTL8411 / RTL8111G / RTL8111GUS / RTL8411B(N) / RTL8118AS / D-Link DGE-528T),并更新英特尔千兆网卡驱动程序(修改为忽略无效的NVM校验和。一些I211和I350以太网适配器出现无效的NVM校验和,导致驱动程序拒绝初始化。)本人只能上传220m以下的文件,因此打包成两个压缩包。这是part1
2019-12-21 18:55:13 200MB esxi6.5 updata01 realtek RTL
到今天(2018年3月29日)为止最新的VMWARE ESXI 6.5 update1已打包realtek瑞昱系列网卡驱动(支持以下瑞昱网卡Realtek RTL8111B / RTL8168B / RTL8111/RTL8168 / RTL8111C / RTL8111CP / RTL8111D(L) / RTL8168C / RTL8111DP / RTL8111E / RTL8168E / RTL8111F / RTL8411 / RTL8111G / RTL8111GUS / RTL8411B(N) / RTL8118AS / D-Link DGE-528T),并更新英特尔千兆网卡驱动程序(修改为忽略无效的NVM校验和。一些I211和I350以太网适配器出现无效的NVM校验和,导致驱动程序拒绝初始化。)本人只能上传220m以下的文件,因此打包成两个压缩包。这是part2
2019-12-21 18:55:13 117.03MB esxi6.5 updata01 realtek RTL