2023-01-04 14:00:49 937KB 安全
2023-01-04 14:00:48 1.57MB TBBR
A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security is a straight-forward primer for developers. It shows security and TPM concepts, demonstrating their use in real applications that the reader can try out. Simply put, this book is designed to empower and excite the programming community to go out and do cool things with the TPM. The approach is to ramp the reader up quickly and keep their interest.A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security explains security concepts, describes the TPM 2.0 architecture, and provides code and pseudo-code examples in parallel, from very simple concepts and code to highly complex concepts and pseudo-code. The book includes instructions for the available execution environments and real code examples to get readers up and talking to the TPM quickly. The authors then help the users expand on that with pseudo-code descriptions of useful applications using the TPM. What you’ll learn TPM 2.0 architecture fundamentals, including changes from TPM 1.2 TPM 2.0 security concepts Essential application development techniques A deep dive into the features of TPM 2.0 A primer on the execution environments available for application development. Learn as you go! Who this book is for Application software developers, OS developers, device-driver developers, and embedded-device specialists, who will benefit from mastering TPM 2.0 capabilities and building their own applications quickly. This book will give them the tools they need to experiment with and understand the technology. Software architects who need to understand the security guarantees provided by TPMs Managers who fund the projects that use TPMs. Non-technical users who may want to know why TPMs are on their computers and how to make use of them.
2022-07-04 01:54:27 5.34MB TPM 可信计算 Trused Computing
2022-05-12 17:00:11 10.86MB 文档资料 可信计算
Trusted platform module basics - using TPM in embedded systems.pdf
2022-04-12 10:39:21 10.71MB Trusted platform TPM embedded
In this book the authors first describe the background of trusted platforms and trusted computing and speculate about the future. They then describe the technical features and architectures of trusted platforms from several different perspectives, finally explaining second-generation TPMs, including a technical description intended to supplement the Trusted Computing Group's TPM2 specifications. The intended audience is IT managers and engineers and graduate students in information security.
2022-03-15 15:47:12 2.74MB 可信计算
ICS Triplex公司Trusted容错三重化冗余可编程控制系统硬件手册 是最详细的中文手册,共107页,非常难得的电子版资料 ICS Triplex是ICS (Industrial Control Service Group) 跨国集团的下属公司,其安全控制系统是ICS集团三大支柱产品之一。ICS Triplex公司自1969年成立以来,一直致力于安全控制系统的设计、开发和应用。 ICS Triplex在世界各地均设有办事机构和下属公司,为用户提供良好的售后服务。迄今为止,全世界已经有超过3000套ICS Triplex的系统广泛应用于航空航天、石油和天然气加工、精细化工、海上石油开采、大型电站、大型锅炉管理和压缩机控制等领域。
设置可信代理允许在负载均衡器或缓存等反向代理后面时正确生成 URL、重定向、会话处理和登录 Laravel。 Laravel 5.5+ 自带这个包。 如果您使用的是 Laravel 5.5 或更高版本,则无需单独将其添加到您的项目中。 设置可信代理允许在反向代理后面时正确的 URL 生成、重定向、会话处理和登录 Laravel。 如果您的 Web 服务器位于负载均衡器(Nginx、HAProxy、Envoy、ELB/ALB 等)、HTTP 缓存(CloudFlare、Squid、Varnish 等)或其他中间(反向)代理之后,这将非常有用。 Laravel(从技术上讲是 Symfony HTTP 基类)有一个“可信代理”的概念,其中那些 X-Forwarded 标头只有在请求的源 IP 地址已知时才会使用。 换句话说,如果代理受信任,它只信任这些标头。
2021-08-09 18:03:32 5KB 开源软件
面向物联网的Hyperledger Fabric 架构流程 Node-RED内置的Watson IoT Platform输入节点接收从设备发送的事件(在本例中为温度)。 为了调用和查询分类账(写入和读取数据),Node-RED内部的节点执行HTTP请求并将响应返回给API。 基于适用于Node.js的Hyperledger Fabric客户端SDK定义的API与Hyperledger Fabric网络内部的链码进行交互,并更新或读取分类帐。 Enderser Peers根据请求执行链码中定义的功能,并将其发送给订购者。 定购者创建块并将其发送回锚点对等点,锚点对等点将块广播给Endorser对等点。 注意:在这种情况下,CouchDB被用作状态数据库。 包含的组件 通过结合Docker容器,Kubernetes技术,直观的用户体验以及内置的安全性和隔离性来提供强大的工具,以自动
2021-08-08 23:16:47 14.65MB 系统开源
值得信赖的技术 特征 具有动态服务部分和审查部分的完整 Web 应用程序。 用户可以订购服务、监控他们的订单列表以及取消订单。 管理员可以添加服务、更新和删除服务。 管理员可以添加新管理员并可以更改订单列表的状态。 Firebase 身份验证和托管、Stripe 支付网关也包括在内。 关键技术 React React引导 火力基地 快速JS MongoDB 引导程序5 Website Link : Demo Video: 服务器回购:
2021-08-04 14:05:49 792KB react firebase mongodb react-router