ThingsBoard 源码分析、项目结构说明、打包及二次开发说明 ThingsBoard 是一个开源的物联网平台,提供了一个完整的解决方案,用于连接和管理物联网设备。下面是对 ThingsBoard 源码分析、项目结构说明、打包及二次开发说明的详细解释。 项目框架结构 ThingsBoard 项目采用了微服务架构,主要包括了以下几个部分: * thingsboard-common:提供了通用的工具类和实用函数 * thingsboard-server:thingsboard 服务器端,负责处理设备数据和用户请求 * thingsboard-web:thingsboard Web 客户端,提供了用户界面和交互功能 * thingsboard-gateway:thingsboard 网关,负责设备数据采集和处理 每个部分都有其特定的包和依赖项,通过 Maven 管理依赖关系。 技术栈 ThingsBoard 采用了以下技术栈: * Spring Boot:用于构建微服务架构的框架 * Java:主要开发语言 * PostgreSQL:数据库管理系统 * Apache Kafka:消息队列系统 * Apache Cassandra:NoSQL 数据库 * Redis:缓存系统 部署相关说明 ThingsBoard 可以部署在不同的环境中,如云端、物理机、容器等。部署时需要考虑到性能、安全和可扩展性等因素。 项目结构说明 ThingsBoard 项目结构主要包括以下几个部分: * conf:配置文件目录 * docker:Dockerfile 文件目录 * docs:文档目录 * src:源代码目录 * target:编译输出目录 每个部分都有其特定的功能和作用。 打包说明 ThingsBoard 提供了多种打包方式,包括: * Maven 打包:使用 Maven 工具来打包项目 * Docker 打包:使用 Docker 来打包项目 * ZIP 打包:使用 ZIP 工具来打包项目 二次开发说明 ThingsBoard 提供了丰富的二次开发接口,包括: * RESTful API:提供了 RESTful 风格的 API 接口 * Webhook:提供了 Webhook 风格的 API 接口 * Rule Engine:提供了规则引擎接口 开发者可以根据需要选择合适的接口来实现二次开发。 物联网网关架构 ThingsBoard 提供了物联网网关架构,包括: * 设备管理:管理和控制设备 * 数据处理:处理和分析设备数据 * 网关管理:管理和控制网关 ThingsBoard 微服务架构 ThingsBoard 采用了微服务架构,包括: * Device Service:设备服务 * Rule Service:规则服务 * Data Service:数据服务 每个微服务都有其特定的功能和作用。 Thingsboard 产品架构 ThingsBoard 提供了完整的产品架构,包括: * 设备管理:管理和控制设备 * 数据分析:分析和处理设备数据 * 规则引擎:提供了规则引擎功能 Thingsboard 规则引擎 ThingsBoard 提供了规则引擎功能,包括: * 规则定义:定义规则 * 规则执行:执行规则 * 规则管理:管理和控制规则 规则引擎可以根据需要实现复杂的逻辑操作。 ThingsBoard Architecture ThingsBoard 提供了完整的架构设计,包括: * 设备管理:管理和控制设备 * 数据处理:处理和分析设备数据 * 规则引擎:提供了规则引擎功能 * 网关管理:管理和控制网关 ThingsBoard 的架构设计可以满足复杂的物联网应用场景。
2024-07-10 15:10:26 585KB thingsboard things
Donald Norman's best-selling plea for user-friendly design, with more than 175,000 copies sold to date, is now a Basic paperback. First, businesses discovered quality as a key competitive edge; next came service. Now, Donald A. Norman, former Director of the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of California, reveals how smart design is the new competitive frontier. The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how--and why--some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.
2023-04-20 02:10:21 4.78MB DESIGN 设计
基于RPi的LoRa现场网关上的Windows 10 IoT核心版的示例Arduino MKR WAN 1300客户端。
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物联网(IoT)是信息和通信技术行业(ICT)中的下一个重要事物。 物联网能够将小规模的系统连接到大规模的系统。 这些数十亿台设备一起构成了庞大的设备网络,我们将其称为物联网。 随着技术的最新发展,观察到物联网设备数量的巨大增长,这也增加了对能源的需求。 这就产生了低功耗物联网的需求。 绿色物联网。 本文概述了物联网,物联网的元素和物联网的应用。 此外,还讨论了绿色物联网,绿色物联网技术和绿色物联网应用。 最后,讨论了挑战。
2023-03-02 17:05:38 751KB Internet of Things (IoT)
#物联网与Python 这是Packt发行的代码存储库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 ##说明和导航 本书随附的代码旨在帮助您进行练习,而不是代替本书本身。 出于上下文使用,该代码可能会导致无法使用的配置,并且不提供任何保修。 该代码将如下所示: class NumberInLeds: def __init__(self): self.leds = [] for i in range(9, 0, -1): led = Led(i, 10 - i) self.leds.append(led) def print_number(self, number): print("==== Turning on {0} LEDs ====".format(num
2023-02-22 17:24:49 1.37MB Python
Explore the current state of the production, processing, and manufacturing industries and discover what it will take to achieve re-industrialization of the former industrial powerhouses that can counterbalance the benefits of cheap labor providers dominating the industrial sector. This book explores the potential for the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Smart Factory technologies to replace the still largely mechanical, people-based systems of offshore locations. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things covers Industry 4.0, a term that encapsulates trends and technologies that could rewrite the rules of manufacturing and production. What You'll Learn: What are the Industrial Internet and Industrial Internet of Things Which technologies must advance to enable Industry 4.0 What is happening today to make that happen What are examples of the implementation of Industry 4.0 How to apply some of these case studies What is the potential to take back the lead in manufacturing, and the potential fallout that could result Who This Book is For: Business futurists, business strategists, CEOs and CTOs, and anyone with an interest and an IT or business background; or anyone who may have a keen interest in how the future of IT, industry and production will develop over the next two decades. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the Industrial Internet Chapter 2: Industrial Internet Use-Cases Chapter 3: The Technical and Business Innovators of the Industrial Internet Chapter 4: IIoT Reference Architecture Chapter 5: Designing Industrial Internet Systems Chapter 6: Examining the Access Network Technology and Protocols Chapter 7: Examining the Middleware Transport Protocols Chapter 8: Middleware Software Patterns Chapter 9: Software Design Concepts Chapter 10: Middleware Industrial Internet of Things Platforms Chapter 11: IIoT WAN Technologies and Protocols Chapter 12: Securing the Industrial Internet Chapter 13: Introducing Industry 4.0 Chapter 14: Smart Factories Chapter 15: Getting From Here to There: A Roadmap
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2022-12-13 20:09:02 69KB 扩展程序
ppt 第一页 it is my pleasure to take a presentation .my topic is the internet of things. ppt 第二页 firstly ,I should denote that the internet of things is a part of smart earth which is ibm ‘s dream .Except for internet of things ,the smart earth is composed of two other parts, they are the internet and internet clouds ppt第三页 Now I will introduce the internet of things. ppt第四页 The internet of things can be divided into three layers: sensor layer, network layer and the application layer. the bottom level is sensor layer . the function of sensor layer is to distinguish the objects, and collect information。 this layer includes two dimensional barcode label and conversational machine, RFID tags and literacy device, cameras, GPS, sensors, terminal, sensor network ,and so on。this layer is mainly used to identify the object, gathering information, just like human‘s nose eyes and ear . the second level is network layer . network layer is used for Information transmission and processing .the network layer includes network management center, information center and intelligent processing center, and so on. The network layer will transfer and process information obtained by sensor layer. it is similar to human‘s nerve center. the top level is application layer . the application layer is related to the industry demand .and different needs require different applications
2022-11-13 20:56:53 375KB internet things presentation smart
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