Quartz.AspNetCore示例 封装Quartz.AspNetCore,实现了作业调度计划的配置化,和服务运行中实时监控配置文件功能。可以在运行中动态禁用/启用作业,添加新的作业,修改现有作业的调度计划(cron表达式)。
2021-11-20 18:21:49 19KB quartz asp.net dotnetcore 作业调度
2021-04-25 17:03:57 2KB 开源软件
Introduction: PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices is one of a series of five PSpice books and introduces the latest Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 by simulating a range of DC and AC exercises. It is aimed primarily at those wishing to get up to speed with this version but will be of use to high school students, undergraduate students, and of course, lecturers. Circuit theorems are applied to a range of circuits and the calculations by hand after analysis are then compared to the simulated results. The Laplace transform and the s-plane are used to analyze CR and LR circuits where transient signals are involved. Here, the Probe output graphs demonstrate what a great learning tool PSpice is by providing the reader with a visual verification of any theoretical calculations. Series and parallel-tuned resonant circuits are investigated where the difficult concepts of dynamic impedance and selectivity are best understood by sweeping different circuit parameters through a range of values. Obtaining semiconductor device characteristics as a laboratory exercise has fallen out of favour of late, but nevertheless, is still a useful exercise for understanding or modelling semiconductor devices. Inverting and non-inverting operational amplifiers characteristics such as gain-bandwidth are investigated and we will see the dependency of bandwidth on the gain using the performance analysis facility. Power amplifiers are examined where PSpice/Probe demonstrates very nicely the problems of cross-over distortion and other problems associated with power transistors. We examine power supplies and the problems of regulation, ground bounce, and power factor correction. Lastly, we look at MOSFET device characteristics and show how these devices are used to form basic CMOS logic gates such as NAND and NOR gates. Basics: 平装: 159页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 1598291564 条形码: 9781598291568 商品尺寸: 19 x 1 x 23.5 cm 商品重量: 313 g ASIN: 1598291564
2021-04-24 21:31:26 26.34MB Cadence Pspice Circuit Theo
西奥 Theo旨在成为一个开发框架以及一个区块链侦察和交互工具。 特征: 自动智能合约扫描会生成可能的漏洞利用列表。 发送交易以利用智能合约。 事务池监视器。 Web3控制台 前端和后端事务。 等待交易清单并发送其他交易。 估算交易用气意味着仅发送成功交易。 禁用天然气估算将发送固定天然气数量的交易。 他从工作中就认识。 Theo的目的是与试图成为骇客黑客的脚本小子作斗争。 他可以听他们试图利用蜜罐,使他们失去资金以谋取私利。 “你没让我表现出我的迷人个性。” 安装 Theo可作为PyPI软件包提供: $ pip install theo $ theo --help
《模式识别(第四版)》是2010年电子工业出版社出版的图书,作者是西奥多里蒂斯。本书由模式识别领域的两位顶级专家合著,全面阐述了模式识别的基础理论、最新方法、以及各种应用。 压缩包中包含中英两版
2020-01-03 11:25:06 87.92MB 模式识别 Sergios Theo 中文版