本资源是SAP MM模块标准PA培训认证课程4本教程之一,这是第4本-配置部分。 本人收集了英文PDF教程TSCM52_2_EN_Col95,是最新95版,供大家学习。 Purchasing Organizations A purchasing organization is an organizational unit within logistics that subdivides an enterprise according to the requirements of purchasing. A purchasing organization procures materials or services, negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors, and assumes respon sibility for such business. You specify the form of procurement by assigning purchasing organizations to company codes and plants. There are the following forms of procurement: ï Corporate-group-wide A purchasing organization procures for all the company codes of a client. ï Company-specific A purchasing organization procures for just one company code. ï Plant-specific A purchasing organization procures for one plant. There can also be mixed forms. When organizing your purchasing function, you should take not only responsibilities into account, but also the necessary data maintenance: ï Each purchasing organization has (i n the standard SAP System) its own info records and conditions for price determination. ï Each purchasing organization has its own vendor master data (only Purchasing data and partner roles). ï Each purchasing organization evaluates its vendors separately with MM Vendor Evaluation . ï Authorizations for the processing of the relevant purchase transactions can be granted for each purchasing organization. ï All the items of a purchasing document, such as an RFQ, a PO, a contract, or a scheduling agreement, are assigned to the same purchasing organization. ï The purchasing organization is the highest summation level for purchasing statistics after the organizational level Client. ï The purchasing organization serves as a selection criterion for lists of all purchasing documents.
2021-06-09 14:17:04 16.6MB SAP MM PA 原版最新教程
本资源是SAP MM模块标准PA认证课程6本教程之一,这是第2本-SCM510库存管理和库存盘点,本人收集了中英文各1套教程SCM510_ZH_Col81_FV_Part_A4.pdf和TSCM52_1_EN_Col95.pdf,供大家学习。
2021-06-09 14:06:29 36.25MB SAP MM SCM510 TSCM52