如果你用的是W9.0以下的版本或Tajima(各版本),在关闭打版软件后出现了上面的消息框,如果你的软件在操作系统升级前没有这个现象的话,可以肯定你在用XP-SP2,这是因为XP-SP2增强了内存管理和安全管理,所以会在使用完田岛或威尔克姆软件在关闭软件后会弹出MEM-BAD-POINTER 报错
如果你用的是W9.0以下的版本或Tajima(各版本),在关闭打版软件后出现了上面的消息框,如果你的软件在操作系统升级前没有这个现象的话,可以肯定你在用XP-SP2,这是因为XP-SP2增强了内存管理和安全管理,所以会在使用完田岛或威尔克姆软件在关闭软件后会弹出MEM-BAD-POINTER 报错
2023-01-27 14:08:24 101KB MEM-BAD-POINTER
Tajima 绣花机 花型数据编码格式 I’m also including an imbedded copy of the sample file for easy reference. Here’s a breakdown of the parts of the header we know and don’t know. All entries in the header seem to be 2 ASCII characters followed by a colon, then it’s value trailed by a carriage return. First is the ‘LA’ entry, which is the design name with no path or extension information. The blank is 16 characters in total, but the name must not be longer that 8 characters and padded out with 0x20. Next is the stitch count ST, this is a 7 digit number padded by leading zeros. This is the total stitch count including color changes, jumps, nups, and special records. Next, is CO or colors, a 3 digit number padded by leading zeros. This is the number of color change records in the file. Next is +X or the positive X extent in centimeters, a 5 digit non-decimal number padded by leading zeros. Following is the -X or the negative X extent in millimeters, a 5 digit non-decimal number padded by leading zeros. Again, the +Y and –Y extents. Next is AX, AY, MX, MY, and PD. I didn’t have any clue what these were, but a really cool support guy at Brother cleared it up for me…
2022-01-08 09:54:51 83KB Tajima 绣花机 编码格式
2022-01-08 09:47:18 180KB dst 绣花
波斯田岛的最新版14.5371(Tajima DGML By Pulse 14 crack),完全破解!
2021-08-25 09:56:39 6.23MB Tajima
2021-04-29 18:00:18 14.86MB 田岛 tajima TAJIMA 刺绣
2021-02-20 09:02:55 17.68MB 绣花 win7 制版 田岛