与Keras应用程序兼容的EfficientNet噪声学生砝码。 efficientnetb0_notop.h5 efficientnetb1_notop.h5 efficientnetb2_notop.h5 efficientnetb3_notop.h5 efficientnetb4_notop.h5 efficientnetb5_notop.h5 efficientnetb6_notop.h5 efficientnetb7_notop.h5
2024-06-21 21:25:20 639.23MB 数据集
ICC Student Guide,非常适合ICC的初学者们用于入门,其中涉及很多数字后端的知识。ICC Student Guide,非常适合ICC的初学者们用于入门,其中涉及很多数字后端的知识。
2023-12-18 20:37:45 11.36MB 数字后端
2023-12-10 21:04:15 5MB
该数据接近了两所葡萄牙学校的中学学生的学习成绩。 数据属性包括学生成绩,人口统计学,社会和学校相关特征),并通过使用学校报告和调查表进行收集。 提供了两个有关两个不同学科表现的数据集:数学(mat)和葡萄牙语(por)。 在[Cortez and Silva,2008]中,两个数据集是在二进制/五级分类和回归任务下建模的。 重要说明:目标属性G3与属性G2和G1具有很强的相关性。 发生这种情况是因为G3是最后的年级(在第3期发布),而G1和G2分别对应第1和第2期年级。 没有G2和G1的情况下预测G3更加困难,但是这种预测更为有用(有关更多详细信息,请参见纸本资料)。 从该数据集中,只有student_mat被带K-fold交叉验证,一个不带。
2023-10-29 12:45:38 168KB JupyterNotebook
2023-06-04 16:20:53 5KB java mysql 学生信息 管理
2023-04-26 19:25:15 493.26MB
Preface Profile xi Related Publications xii Typographic Conventions xiii Lesson 1: Introduction Course Objectives 1-2 Oracle Overview 1-3 Course Overview 1-4 Lesson 2: Overview of Oracle Workflow Objectives 2-2 Workflow Terms 2-3 Oracle Workflow Overview 2-4 Major Components 2-5 Oracle Workflow Builder 2-6 Workflow Engine 2-7 Workflow Process Definition 2-8 Supported Process Constructs 2-9 Workflow Definitions Loader 2-11 Notification System 2-12 Notification Web Page 2-13 E-Mail Notification 2-14 Notification Viewer Form 2-15 Workflow Monitor 2-16 Summary 2-18 Lesson 3: Overview of the Workflow Engine Objectives 3-2 Workflow Terms 3-3 The Oracle Workflow Engine 3-4 Oracle Workflow Engine Features 3-5 Initiating a Workflow Process 3-6 Example: Initiating a Workflow Process 3-7 Workflow Engine Processing 3-9 Activity Statuses 3-10 Calling the Workflow Engine 3-11 Oracle Workflow APIs 3-12 Workflow Engine APIs 3-13 Background Engine 3-16 Deferred Processing 3-18 Timed Out Notification Activities 3-19 Summary 3-20 Lesson 4: Overview of the Workflow Directory Service Objectives 4-2 Oracle Workflow Terms 4-3 Directory Service Views 4-4 WF_USERS View 4-5 WF_ROLES View 4-6 WF_USER_ROLES View 4-7 Oracle Workflow Local Tables 4-8 Directory Service for Oracle Applications 4-9 Directory Services for Oracle Workflow Cartridge 4-10 Summary 3-11 Lesson 5: Planning a Workflow Process Objectives 5-2 Workflow Terms 5-3 Process Components 5-4 Oracle Workflow Builder 5-5 Planning a Workflow Process 5-6 Activities and Lookup Types 5-7 Creating a New Process 5-8 Summary 5-9 Lesson 6: Defining Item Types, Item Attributes, and Lookup Types Objectives 6-2 Create a New Workflow Process Definition 6-3 Define an Item Type 6-4 Item Type Selector/Callback Function 6-5 Define a Selector/Callback Function 6-6 Define Item Type Attributes 6-9 Form Attributes 6-11 Document Attributes 6-12 Define a Procedure That Generates a “PL/SQL” Document 6-13 Activities and Lookup Types 6-14 Define Lookup Types and Lookup Codes 6-15 Summary 6-16 ORACLE EBS 工作流官方手册
2023-04-08 12:31:52 1.93MB EBS 11I R12 工作流
kaggle竞赛Predict Student Performance from Game Play 自己写的项目代码,带注释+讲解 数据集:https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-student-performance-from-game-play/data score为0.678,300/600的rank 竞赛目标: You'll develop a model trained on one of the largest open datasets of game logs. 文件包括: train.csv - the training set test.csv - the test set sample_submission.csv - a sample submission file in the correct format train_labels.csv - correct value for all 18 questions for each session in the training set
2023-04-06 09:56:16 148KB kaggle
t学生混合模型 论文的实施:“使用t分布进行鲁棒混合建模”,D。Peel和GJ McLachlan。 与Python 2.7和Python 3兼容。 依存关系 scikit学习v0.18.1 的numpy v1.11.0 scipy v0.19.0 setuptools v36.0.1 安装 使用pip(无需克隆此存储库): pip install smm --user 手动: git clone https://github.com/luiscarlosgph/t-Student-Mixture-Models.git cd t-Student-Mixture-Models python setup.py build python setup.py install --user 用法 请参阅示例。 python src/smm/example.py 测验 要运行测试,
2023-03-02 10:09:24 29KB Python
它是第 1 章的一部分 VaR 和 CVaR 说明
2022-12-18 03:33:52 7KB matlab