Product Description The author uses practical, concise code examples to illuminate a useful programming stratagem or warn against a dangerous practice. Readers will come away with a better understanding of how C++ is used in the real world. From the Inside Flap In the hands of an expert, C++ helps designers and programmers build systems that are modular, maintainable, and fast. To the novice, however, the size of the language can be intimidating. There are a lot of features in C++ and it takes some experience to learn which ones are appropriate for any situation. This book is intended to enhance and expedite that learning process. Most successful C++ programmers cannot recite chapter and verse from the language rules; instead, they have acquired a set of idioms and techniques that have worked well for them. Our goal is to help the C++ novice learn those idioms that have been most useful in practice. We also point out some of the most common pitfalls. We do not try to cover the entire language and we leave the ultra-precise definitions of language semantics to the reference manuals. Instead, we concentrate on helping the reader build programs that can be understood by someone who is not a C++ language lawyer. We not only discuss techniques for making programs elegant and fast; we also show how to make them easier to understand and maintain. Acknowledgements Almost none of the ideas and programming idioms in this book are my invention. My goal has been to present, in a way that allows novice C++ programmers to learn them quickly, what I consider to be the most important strategies and tactics I have learned from others in the eight years I have been using C++. Some of these lessons were learned by studying actual development projects as they moved from C to C++; others came from discussions with talented individuals. Many of the best ideas on templates and library design, including the ideas behind many of the container classes in this book, came from classes in the USL Standard Components that were originally designed by Martin Carroll, Andrew Koenig, and Jonathan Shopiro. I claim exclusive ownership of any errors in my versions. Andrew Koenig was a valuable resource as the local C++ language lawyer. The participants in the "C++ Strategies and Tactics" seminars I presented at several conferences helped inspire this book and refine its ideas. Other important ideas came from Tom Cargill, John Carolan, Jim Coplien, Mark Linton, Gerald Schwarz, and of course Bjarne Stroustrup, who also invented the C++ programming language that made the book possible in the first place. Brian Kernighan read several drafts of this book, and his excellent feedback has been a lot of help. I would also like to thank David Annatone, Steve Buroff, Tom Cargill, Bill Hopkins, Cay Horstman, Lorraine Juhl, Peter Juhl, Stan Lippman, Dennis Mancl, Scott Meyers, Barbara Moo, Lorraine Weisbrot Murray, Bjarne Stroustrup, Clovis Tondo, Steve Vinoski, and Christopher Van Wyk for their comments on early drafts of this book. Lorraine Weisbrot Murray also contributed the encouragement, understanding, support, and love that helped make the entire effort feasible. Rob Murray
2023-12-11 08:00:28 10.4MB
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改善败血症治疗策略 这是论文“使用深度强化学习和专家混合改善脓毒症治疗策略”的代码库 评论者评论 表1中的数据清楚地显示了数据集幸存者/非幸存者的失衡率。 学习不平衡会导致分类器的预测模型出现偏差。 但是,作者没有详细说明他们如何通过使用特定的重新平衡方法或对成本敏感的学习方法来解决此问题,但未提供任何评论。 数据集分为固定的75%训练和验证集和25%的测试集。“->作者应使用10倍交叉验证。 如表2所示,尽管他们的专家混合(MoE)方法的性能在数值上优于医师,内核和DQN的性能,但分析这种数值增加的显着性还是不错的。 随机策略会产生什么效果? 有没有一种方法可以衡量这些方法之间的性能差异的重要性? 本文未介绍其方法的任何时间性能。 训练这种方法需要多长时间? 这个培训时间对于为ICU患者制定个性化治疗策略是否可行? RL和Deep网络都因训练时间长而臭名昭著。 动机 败血症是IC
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Algorithmic Strategies for Solving Complex Problems in Cryptography 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
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迭代应用的最佳检查点策略 这项工作提供了一种最佳的检查点策略,可以保护迭代应用程序免受故障停止错误的影响。 我们考虑一个非常通用的框架,其中应用程序通过执行连续的迭代来重复相同的执行模式,并且每个迭代都由多个任务组成。 这些任务具有不同的执行长度和不同的检查点成本。 天真的策略和Young / Daly策略都不理想。 我们的主要贡献是证明最佳检查点策略是全局周期性的,并设计一种动态编程算法来计算最佳检查点模式。 这种模式很可能会检查许多不同的任务,并且涉及许多不同的迭代。 通过在综合和实际应用场景中进行的仿真,我们表明,最佳策略明显优于单纯策略和Young / Daly策略。 代码 gen_faults.m生成服从指数分布的故障main_GCR.m为GCR应用程序进行仿真main_gopi.m为神经科学应用程序进行仿真main_random.m对合成应用程序进行仿真Simulation_e
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