现在这个项目已经到了尽头 但您可以将其用作您的项目的参考 我将使用具有附加功能的新laravel版本更新此项目 Laravel存储过程 该项目包括可以使用laravel框架处理mysql存储过程的脚本。 该版本当前支持laravel 5.0 beta,5.1和5.2以及mysql 5.5 *版本。 我希望您对此项目的反馈意见有待于将来的改进。欢迎发表评论! 谢谢! 问题 如果发现错误,请发送电子邮件至laravelportal [at] gmail [dot] com,或 打开一个问题。 如何安装呢? 这很简单! 首先使用终端窗口“ git clone :kaviranga / laravel_stored_procedure.git”中的命令将此说明复制到本地计算机。 对于Windows用户,如果您正在运行wamp堆栈,则将此仓库克隆到“ c:\ wamp \ www”文件夹
2022-05-09 18:30:13 6.14MB mysql windows linux vuejs
A novel diode-clamped carrier stored trench bipolar transistor (CSTBT) with improved performances is proposed. The improvement has been achieved by introducing a P-layer region under the trench gate, which is connected to the cathode electrode through two integrated series diodes. In the blocking-state, almost all of the reverse voltage is sustained by Player/N-drift junction, which makes the doping concentration of the carrier stored layer is independent of the breakdown voltage,thus overcoming
2021-02-07 20:05:23 337KB Carrier Stored Trench Bipolar