在IT领域,效果器调试软件是一种专业工具,用于调整和优化音频处理设备的效果参数,以达到理想的音质表现。在本案例中,我们关注的是专为"Pure sound"品牌的效果器设计的软件,特别是EFF-900D-8型号。这款软件提供了用户友好的界面和精细的控制选项,使得音乐制作人、音响工程师或爱好者能够根据具体需求调整音频信号的处理效果。 "Pure sound"是一个知名的音频设备制造商,其产品通常以高质量和精确的音频处理而受到业界认可。EFF-900D-8效果器是一款专业级的设备,可能包含各种音效模块,如混响、均衡器、压缩、噪声门、延迟等。这些效果可以应用于现场演出、录音室制作、广播甚至家庭娱乐系统,以增强音频的动态范围、空间感和整体听感。 该软件作为与硬件设备配套的控制软件,通常会提供以下功能: 1. **参数调整**:用户可以通过软件直观地调整每个效果器模块的参数,例如混响时间、均衡器频率点和增益、压缩比率等。 2. **预设管理**:软件可能会包含多种预设效果,方便用户快速应用常见的音效配置。用户还可以创建、保存和共享自定义预设。 3. **实时控制**:在某些场合,如现场演出,用户可能需要实时调整效果参数。软件可能支持MIDI控制器或OSC(Open Sound Control)进行即时操控。 4. **系统集成**:该软件可能支持与其他音乐制作软件(如DAW - 数字音频工作站)的集成,允许无缝导入导出音频项目,或者直接在软件内进行录音和播放。 5. **兼容性**:为了确保与EFF-900D-8效果器的顺利连接,软件可能需要特定的驱动程序或协议支持,如USB、MIDI或网络连接。 压缩包中的"EFF-900 控制软件"很可能包含了安装程序和必要的驱动,以及使用手册或快速指南,帮助用户了解如何设置和操作该软件。安装软件后,用户应按照指南连接效果器,并通过软件对其进行配置和测试,以确保所有功能正常运行并达到期望的音效。 "Pure sound"的EFF-900D-8效果器配合其专用的调试软件,为音频专业人士和爱好者提供了一套强大而灵活的工具,用于创造和调整音频效果,提升作品的艺术表现力。通过深入理解和熟练运用这款软件,用户可以更好地掌握声音的塑造,实现个性化的音质风格。
2024-09-20 13:09:09 2.36MB 效果器调试
一个完整的武器库的原始近战武器声音效果包。所有的声音是拖放准备你的项目。每个音频文件都很容易搜索,因为它们被精心组织成类别,以便很容易为您的项目找到完美的声音。 从包含多种变体的设计类别中选择,这样你的武器听起来就不会一样了。发现个广泛的声音完美的近战武器,如剑,锤子,斧头,刀片,七首,刀,矛和盾牌。 获取所有武器需要的声音,包括武器摆动、割伤、血腥、护套和脱套以及影响音效等。专业录音和设计,这些声音是必须带来你的游戏你要找的那种抛光剂0 发现 ·1200+声音效果,您可以直接导入到您的项目中 总部武器摆动、撞击、包覆、攻击和刮擦声音专为不同尺寸的武器设计 所有武器声音的多种变体,增加多样性 超过1GB的总部音频内容 超级HQ音频以192k32bit录制和设计,以96k24bit交付 通过丰富的嵌入元数据轻松快速地查找声音(Basehead)
2024-03-28 10:56:08 884.34MB Unity
内含audio.jar, jaudiotagger.jar ,jl.jar sound.jar 等音乐控制的jar包
2024-03-22 19:16:05 9.32MB audio.jar jaudiotagger jl.jar sound.jar
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2024-03-18 08:23:10 68B Sound check 电声测试资料 测试序列
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2024-03-16 08:44:20 903.45MB Soundcheck
2023-12-16 08:07:30 430KB sound stm32 声源定位
测试用0db正弦波音频源文件。 . ├── 00. mute.wav ├── 01. 20Hz-0dB-30s.wav ├── 02. 30Hz-0dB-30s.wav ├── 03. 40Hz-0dB-30s.wav ├── 04. 50Hz-0dB-30s.wav ... ... ├── 38. 18KHz-0dB-30s.wav ├── 39. 19KHz-0dB-30s.wav ├── 40. 20KHz-0dB-30s.wav ├── Infinity zero.wav ├── LR Channel.wav ├── musiccut_test.wav ├── pink noise 0db.wav ├── Slow_freq_sweep_61_-0dB_44k.16.wav ├── Slow_freq_sweep_61_-20dB_44k.16.wav ├── Subwoofer-delay-test.wav └── 左右声道及喇叭极性Sound Check_Channel & Phase_10sec.wav
2023-07-19 16:17:26 64.31MB 测试 audio android sound
Program audio and sound for Linux using this practical, how-to guide. You will learn how to use DSPs, sampled audio, MIDI, karaoke, streaming audio, and more. Linux Sound Programming takes you through the layers of complexity involved in programming the Linux sound system. You’ll see the large variety of tools and approaches that apply to almost every aspect of sound. This ranges from audio codecs, to audio players, to audio support both within and outside of the Linux kernel. What You'll LearnWork with sampled audio Handle Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Gain knowledge of MIDI Build a Karaoke-like application Handle streaming audio Who This Book Is For Experienced Linux users and programmers interested in doing multimedia with Linux.
2023-05-29 20:12:54 5.2MB linux
In the first edition, models initially developed to describe wave propagation in porous media saturated by heavy fluids are used to predict the acoustical performances of air saturated sound absorbing porous media. In this expanded and revised edition, we have retained, with slight modifications, most of the basic material of the first edition and expanded it by revisiting several original topics and adding new topics to integrate recent developments in the domain of wave propagation in porous media and practical numerical prediction methods that are widley used by researchers and engineers. Chapters 1 to 3 dealing with sound propagation in solids and fluid and Chapter 9 dealing with the modelling of perforated facings were slightly modified. Chapters 4 to 6 were greatly revisited. A more detailed description of sound propagation in cylindrical pores is presented (Chapter 4), related to the more general presentation of new parameters and new models for sound propagation in rigid-framed porous media (Chapter 5). Also in Chapter 5 a short presentation of homogenization, with some results concerning double porosity media, is added. In Chapter 6, different formulations of the Biot theory for poroelastic media are given, with a simplified version for the case of media with a limp frame. In Chapter 11 we have revisited the original representation of the modelling of layered media (Chapter 7 of the first edition) and extended it to cover the systematic modelling of layered media using the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM). In particular, a step by step presentation of the numerical implementation of the method is given with several application examples. Major additions include five new chapters. Chapter 7 discusses the acoustic field created by a point source above a rigid framed porous layer, with recent advances concerning the poles of the reflection coefficient and the reflected field at grazing incidence. Chapter 8 is concerned by the poroelastic layers excited by a point source in air or by a localized stress source on the free face of the layer, with a description of the Rayleigh waves and the resonances. Axisymmetrical poroelastic media are studied in Chapter 10. In Chapter 12, complements to the transfer matrix method are given. They concern mainly the effect of the finite lateral extend, and the excitation by point loads, of sound pack- ages. Several examples illustrating the practical importance of these extensions are given (e.g. size effects on the random incidence absorption and transmission loss of porous media; airborne vs. structure borne insertion loss of sound packages). In Chapter 13, an introduction to the finite element modelling of poroelastic media is presented. Emphasis is put on the use of the mixed displacement-pressure formulation of the Biot theory, xiv PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION which appears in the Appendix of Chap. 6. Detailed description of coupling conditions between various domains including a waveguide are presented together with sections on the breakdown of the power dissipation mechanisms within a porous media and radiation conditions. Several applications are chosen to illustrate the practical use of the presented methods including modelling of double porosity materials and smart foams. As in the first edition, the goal of the book remains to provide in a concrete manner a physical basis, as simple as possible, and the developments, analytical calculations and numerical methods, that will be useful in different fields where sound absorption and transmission and vibration damping by air saturated porous media are concerned.
2023-05-08 19:15:10 2.55MB Sound Propagation Porous Media
7.4 基于Mindlin板理论的四边形单元 前面所述的矩形单元和三角形单元都是基于 Kirchhoff薄板理论的,它忽略了剪切变形 的影响。由于 Kirchhoff 板理论要求挠度的导数连续,给构造协调单元带来了不少麻烦。为 此,采用考虑剪切变形的 Mindlin 板理论来克服[9,11]。这种方法比较简单,精度较好,并且 能利用等参变换,得到任意四边形甚至曲边四边形单元,因而实用价值较高。 7.4.1 位移模式 设有 4~8 结点四边形板单元,如图 7-6 所示。根据 Mindlin 板理论的假设,板内任意 一点的位移由三个广义位移w, xψ 和 yψ 完全确定。为了与有限元的结点位移相对应,采 用的位移列阵为 x y y x w w θ ψ θ ψ         = =       −   u (7.76) ξ η x y z wi (fzi) θyi (Mθyi) θxi (Mθxi) i ξ η 图 7-6 四边形板单元
2023-04-12 18:59:00 2.7MB 结构分析 有限元法 MATLAB 程序设计