12 extremely valuable effects: - Better Outline: a more continuous outline than the standard one. - Gradient Color: global/local, vertical/horizontal, override/additive/multiply. - Depth Effect: add thickness to text. - Soft Shadow: blurry shadow. - Outer Bevel: add outer lit and shaded edges. - Skew Effect: add horizontal+vertical transformations and perspective. - Curve Effect: bend or distort text vertically. - Character Spacing: increase or decrease the distance between individual characters. - Limit Visible Characters: hide characters, make a typewriter. - Overlay Texture: add an image overlay, local/global, override/additive/multiply. - Inner Bevel: add lit and shaded edges inside the characters, override/additive/multiply (only "override" on SM2 level GPUs). - Inner Outline: add outline inside the characters, override/additive/multiply.
2021-09-26 13:39:17 1.96MB Unity Text Effects SoftShadow