IEEE 1901.1-2018:IEEE Std 1901.1 for Medium Frequency (less than 15 MHz) Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications IEEE 1901.1-2020:IEEE Standard Test Procedures for IEEE Std 1901.1 for Medium Frequency (less than 15 MHz) Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications
2023-03-06 15:26:21 5.77MB PLC IEEE1901.1 SmartGrid
资源包含三个文件:规划路线、正文、模型。官方介绍为:IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls: 2030 and Beyond, discusses many topics that outline the evolution of the Smart Grid and the opportunities and challenges that it presents for control, ranging from generators to consumers, from planning to real-time operation, from current practice to scenarios in 2050 in the grid and all of its subsystems.
2022-05-07 11:52:20 5.37MB SmartGrid
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资源包含三个文件:规划路线、正文、模型。官方介绍为:IEEE Smart Grid Vision for Computing: 2030 and Beyond provides the results of the IEEE Computer Society Smart Grid Vision Project (CS-SGVP), chartered to develop Smart Grid visions looking forward as far as 30 years into the future.
2022-01-07 13:20:21 4.65MB SmartGrid