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2024-02-24 14:17:30 4.42MB gkai00mp.ttf SWFTools 中文乱码
Although I wrote the first edition of this book more than 25 years ago, my goals for it remain the same. I want students to receive a solid intro- duction to the traditional topics. I want readers to come away with the view that abstract algebra is a contemporary subject—that its concepts and methodologies are being used by working mathematicians, com- puter scientists, physicists, and chemists. I want students to see the connections between abstract algebra and number theory and geom- etry. I want students to be able to do computations and to write proofs. I want students to enjoy reading the book. And I want to convey to the reader my enthusiasm for this beautiful subject.
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SDIO标准2.0版 SD Specifications Part E1 SDIO Simplified Specification Version 2.00 February 8, 2007
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概述 TM TTP229 TonTouch IC是一款使用电容感应式原理设计的触摸芯片。此芯片内建稳压电路供 触摸传感器使用,稳定的触摸效果可以应用在各种不同应用上,人体触摸面板可以通过非导电性绝 缘材料连接,主要应用是以取代机械开关或按钮,此芯片可以独立支持8个触摸键或16个触摸键.
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Simplified Group Search Optimizer Algorithm,一个简单的群搜索优化算法,可用于高维优化问题,使用MATLAB编写。
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基于SDIO v2.0 的中文翻译。
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sdio Simplified Specification,对于写sdio wifi 驱动程序的人来说很有帮助!!
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Office Visio Professional 2003 (Simplified Chinese),可做收藏、学习、研究。
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