提取信号七个基于瞬时信息的特征:零中心归一化瞬时幅度功率谱密度的最大值,零中心归一化瞬时幅度绝对值的标准偏差,零中心非弱信号段瞬时相位非线性分量绝对值标准偏差,零中心非弱信号段瞬时相位非线性分量标准偏差,零中心归一化的非弱信号段瞬时频率绝对值的标准偏差,一个信号段的归一化瞬时频率功率谱密度的最大值,根据信号 QPSK 和16QAM在 XI 轴投影的不同表现,提出特征参数。
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In this book, Dr. Michael Lawton shares his expertise and lessons learnedfrom his years of dedication to vascular neurosurgery. He describes his take onAVMs in the preface as a battle and his book contains many take-home lessons.His presentation is enhanced by the spectacular intraoperative color images andillustrations drawn by Kenneth X. Probst. With no reservations, I highlyrecommend this book to all neurosurgeons. -- Doody's Enterprises,Inc.  This sequel to Dr. Lawton's best-selling Seven Aneurysms focuses onmicrosurgical resection techniques for AVMs found in the lobes and deep regionsof the brain. It categorizes the techniques into subtypes to simplify the broadspectrum of brain AVMs neurosurgeons may encounter. The book is organized intothree sections: The Tenets, which establishes eight steps for AVM resection; TheSeven Arteriovenous Malformations, which describes the anatomical terrain andsurgical strategies for thirty-two AVM subtypes; and The Selection section, inwhich Dr. Lawton discusses what he believes to be the keys to successful AVMsurgery: good patient selection and best application of multiple treatmentmodalities. Key Features: ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
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