SX127x和SX1268手册.rar 其中sx127x包含中文带书签的手册
2022-01-13 18:02:22 12.8MB sx127x LoRa 数据手册
2021-11-21 14:56:37 2.52MB sx1268芯片手册第13章机器 LoRa手册
SEMTECH 的最新LORA芯片SX1268系列官方数据手册,分享给大家
2021-11-21 14:29:00 6.62MB SX1262
2021-11-08 10:34:52 4.62MB 中文手册 LORA SX1268 SX1262
2021-09-28 19:01:50 2.37MB STM32F103 sx1276 sx1262驱动 sx1268驱动程序
2021-09-28 14:02:45 2.37MB STM32F103 sx1276 sx1262驱动 sx1268驱动程序
2021-09-06 13:08:02 1.28MB lora sx1268
SX1268是Semtech公司最新推出的一款远距离、低功耗的sub-GHz无线收发器,支持的工作频段涵盖了150–960MHz。SX1268提供了两种调试方式, LoRa以及传统的(G)FSK,是一款高性能物联网无线收发器,其特殊的LoRa调制方式可在一定程度上增加了通信距离。 SX1268集成了低噪声放大器(LNA),LoRa调制下,最高接收灵敏度可达-148dBm,同时还集成了功率放大器(PA),其发射功率最大可达+22dBm。SX1268的配电系统具备了两种方式,低压差稳压器(LDO)以及高效率降压DC-DC转换器,采用DC-DC配电方式的前提下,其接收电流最低可达4.2mA,真正意义上实现了低功耗。最后SX1268集成的数字接口通过SPI和外界进行数据交互。
2021-07-13 15:27:00 2.44MB LORA
The aim of this project is to show an example of the endpoint LoRaWAN stack implementation. This project has 3 active branches in place. The master branch which provides the latest released source code (v4.4.2), the develop branch which provides the current source code development status to be released next (Milestone 4.4.3) and the feature/5.0.0 branch which provides a preview of the current source code development status for LoRaWAN Specification v1.1 specification.(Milestone 5.0.0) The master branch implementation is based on LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.3 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.3revA specifications. ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes are fully implemented. The develop branch implementation is based on LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.3 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.3revA specifications. ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes are fully implemented. The feature/5.0.0 branch implementation is based on LoRaWAN Specification v1.1 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.1rB specifications. ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes are fully implemented. This project also provides SX1272/73, SX1276/77/78/79 and SX1261/2 radio drivers. For each currently supported platform example applications are provided. LoRaMac/classA: ClassA end-device example application. LoRaMac/classB: ClassB end-device example application. LoRaMac/classC: ClassC end-device example application. LoRaMac/fuota-test-01: FUOTA test scenario 01 end-device example application. (Based on provided application common packages) LoRaMac/periodic-uplink-lpp: ClassA/B/C end-device example application. Periodically uplinks a frame using the Cayenne LPP protocol. (Based on provided application common packages) ping-pong: Point to point RF link example application. rx-sensi: Example application useful to measure the radio sensitivity level using an RF generator. tx-cw: Example application to show how to generate an RF Continuous Wave transmission. Note: Each LoRaWAN app
2021-07-08 10:53:35 6.31MB 官方驱动 SX1268 SX1278
2021-07-07 14:19:32 3.64MB SX1262,SX1268 LoRa