Shiny SSRR adds advanced Screen Space Raytraced Reflections to your scenes in real-time making them more realistic. This bundle contains 2 packages optimized for each rendering pipeline: - Shiny SSRR for built-in pipeline. - Shiny SSRR for URP (Universal Rendering Pipeline). Both packages offer the same functionality and support forward and deferred rendering path.
2022-09-19 14:08:47 17.62MB Unity
反射插件 - Requires Unity 2019.4 LTS or later. - Compatible with built-in pipeline and URP 7.5.1 or later. - Deferred rendering path in URP requires URP 12.0 or later. - Supports Windows, Mac and WebGL 2 platforms. - In forward rendering mode, reflections can't be added to terrain. - VR not supported. - Orthographic camera not supported.
2022-04-06 03:06:02 17.66MB unity 游戏引擎 SSRR