2022-05-18 11:04:26 61KB 数据库 sql 文档资料 database
结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL,结构化查询语言是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统; sql 语句就是对数据库进行操作的一种语言。 常见语句 更新:update table1 set field1=value1 where 范围 查找:select * from table1 where field1 like ’%value1%’ (所有包含‘value1’这个模式的字符串) 排序:select * from table1 order by field1,field2 [desc] 求和:select sum(field1) as sumvalue from table1 平均:select avg(field1) as avgvalue from table1 最大:select max(field1) as maxvalue from table1 最小:select min(field1) as minvalue from table1[separator]
2022-05-18 00:49:41 73KB 数据库sql语句 考试
2022-04-13 18:05:30 29KB sql 数据库 database
2022-04-03 11:34:10 143KB SQL
资源包括:19道SQL语句查询题目及答案、建表SQL语句、题目相关的表截图。答案中除了包含intersect、except关键词的答案,其余都在MySQL上跑过,确保运行无误(MySQL不支持intersect、except关键词),因为脑细胞死得有些多,资源分不少请大家见谅。 题目如下: Q:Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the Perryridge branch.(ps:MySQL不支持intersect运算符) Q:Find the number of depositors for each branch. Q:Find the names of all branches where the average account balance is more than $1,200. Q:Find the names of all branches that have greater assets than all branches located in Brooklyn. Q:Find all accounts with the maximum balance. Q:Find all branches that have greater assets than some branch located in Brooklyn. Q:Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the bank. Q:Find all customers who have accounts at all branches located in Brooklyn. Q:Find the average account balance at the Perryridge branch. Q:Find the number of tuples in the customer relation. Q:Find the number of depositors in the bank. Q:Find the number of depositors for each branch. Q:Find all customers who have a loan at the bank but do not have an account at the bank. Q:Find all branches where the total account deposit is greater than the average of the total account deposits at all branches. Q:Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the bank. Q:Find all customers who have at most one account at the Perryridge branch. Q:Provide as a gift for all loan customers of the Perryridge branch, a $200 savings account. Let the loan number serve as the account number for the new savings account. Q:Increase all accounts with balances over $10,000 by 6%, all other accounts receiver 5%.
2022-03-16 19:51:17 780KB SQL 查询语句 数据库作业
2021-12-30 10:00:40 96KB 网络文档
2021-10-26 16:58:50 21KB SQL查询
ACCESS数据库与SQL查询语句生成示例 ACCESS数据库与SQL查询语句生成示例 ACCESS数据库与SQL查询语句生成示例