考虑以下问题:给定 R(mxn) 中的矩阵 A,R(m) 中的向量 b 且 e>0,计算满足 norm(Ax-b)<=e 的向量 x,如果存在,则 x在所有这些向量中具有最少数量的非零条目。
2024-04-07 11:28:50 2KB matlab
2023-03-01 21:24:15 862KB Grace Wahba spline models
2022-06-03 19:05:26 2.56MB 数据库 文档资料 database
l2范数matlab源码这个Matlab包包含重现文章图的源代码: P. Maurel,JF。 奥约尔,G.佩雷。 . SIAM 成像科学杂志,4(1),第 413–447 页,2011 年。 display_orientations:显示图像的瞬时频率 estimate_amplitudes:尝试估计 Chi 中频率的幅度 estimate_orientations:瞬时频率计算 estimate_orientations_zeropadding:使用 zeropadding 缩放计算即时频率 gabor_weights: 凸范数的权重 non_convex_weight:为非凸范数构建权重 Chi test_h,test_h2,test_diff_h,test_diff_h2:论文的函数h(渲染函数)及其导数 纹理合成:从场方向/频率合成纹理 TV_Hilbert_Adapted:在无噪声情况下使用我们的凸范数进行结构/纹理分解 TV_Hilbert_Adapted_Noise:与噪声相同 TV_Hilbert_Adapted_noise_non_convex:使用非凸范数分解 T
2021-12-14 15:08:03 28.1MB 系统开源
Tensor Decompositions and Applications 的专业文章 对了解tensor很有用
2021-07-05 21:53:57 4.31MB Tensor, SIAM
This series is published jointly by the Mathematical Optimization Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. It includes research monographs, books on applications, textbooks at all levels, and tutorials. Besides being of high scientific quality, books in the series must advance the understanding and practice of optimization. They must also be written clearly and at an appropriate level for the intended audience.
2021-04-26 18:12:36 7.45MB 凸优化 Siam
The finite element method is the most popular general purpose technique for computing accurate solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs). Since PDEs form the basis for many mathematical models in the physical sciences and, increasingly, in other fields as well, it would be difficult to overstate the importance of the finite element method.
2019-12-21 22:20:29 13.77MB 有限元实践 matlab 自适应 SIAM