功能最强大的软件无线电接收软件SDR-Radio V3.1, 32-bit, 2022-04-12_1254
2022-06-02 18:06:07 78.52MB 软件无线电
功能最强大的软件无线电接收软件SDR-Radio V3.1, 64-bit, 2022-04-12_1245
2022-06-02 18:06:06 156.22MB 软件无线电SDR
ATRIOTWAVES JH-15. This model has been reconfigured and provides two radio receivers in one unit. It utilizes two different radio chipsets configurations. The two configurations use the R820T and improved Rafael Micro R820T2 chipsets. The two RTL Realtek RTL2832U circuits offer superb performance in the emergency frequency ranges. 25MHz to approximately 1700MHz. This unit is designed for use on Windows XP, Vista, Win7 or Win8 and includes phone support and online assistance.
2022-02-24 11:26:38 76.35MB SDR-Radio
SDR-Radio V3.0.23, 64-bit, 2020-06-02_0511.exe
2021-12-26 20:54:22 153.48MB SDR
SDR-Radio.com is a Windows solution for Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers and transceivers. Designed for the commercial, government, amateur radio and short-wave listener communities, this software provides a powerful interface for all SDR users.
2021-06-14 12:47:05 152.65MB SDR-Radio 64位
软件名:SDRSharp SDR(软件定义无线电)收听软件。 可以分析FM、AM、USB、RAW等多种无线电,可以收听航空波段、FM广播等。 已经集成模拟、数字哑音探测插件,可直探测到正在语音呼叫频点上的数字、模拟哑音。
2021-05-23 12:38:34 18.43MB SDR Radio
功能最强大的软件无线电接收软件SDR-Radio V3.0.26, 64-bit, 2020-12-14_1012
2021-02-02 12:32:51 160.93MB 软件无线电SDR
功能最强大的软件无线电接收软件SDR-Radio V3.0.26, 32-bit, 2020-12-14_1019
2021-02-02 12:32:51 80.65MB 软件无线电sdr