2024-01-03 18:24:04 2.18MB
Rust 语言中文版 Rust 语言中文版 Rust 语言中文版
2023-09-08 20:57:34 2.28MB Rust语言
pcap 这是用于访问pcap(或Windows上的wpcap)的数据包嗅探功能的Rust语言包。 如果您需要任何内容​​,请随时发布问题或提交请求请求! 特征: 列出设备 打开设备或保存文件上的捕获句柄 从捕获句柄获取数据包 使用BPF程序过滤数据包 列出/设置/获取数据链接链接类型 配置一些参数,如混杂和缓冲区长度 将数据包写入保存文件 将数据包注入接口 请参阅用法示例。 建筑 从0.8.0开始,此板条箱使用Rust 2018,并且要求编译器版本> = 1.40.0。 视窗 安装 。 下载WinPcap。 将/Lib或/Lib/x64文件夹添加到您的LIB环境变量中。 Linux 在基于DebianLinux上,安装libpcap-dev 。 如果不是以root用户身份运行,则需要像这样设置功能: sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip
2022-10-14 21:19:05 33KB Rust
Mastering Rust, 全面掌握并精通Rust语言
2022-09-18 13:00:32 14.71MB rust
2022-08-18 19:00:37 17.55MB Rust C语言
BlockChain只是 BlockDAG 的一个 'k=0' 特殊子类型,这就是它们受到高度限制吞吐量的原因
2022-06-11 14:03:44 699KB 算法 rust
2021-10-09 09:01:50 33.47MB rust 文件拷贝 移动存储设备 windows
Rust语言的特点 高性能 - Rust 速度惊人且内存利用率极高。由于没有运行时和垃圾回收,它能够胜任对性能要求特别高的服务,可以在嵌入式设备上运行,还能轻松和其他语言集成。 可靠性 - Rust 丰富的类型系统和所有权模型保证了内存安全和线程安全,让您在编译期就能够消除各种各样的错误。 生产力 - Rust 拥有出色的文档、友好的编译器和清晰的错误提示信息, 还集成了一流的工具 —— 包管理器和构建工具, 智能地自动补全和类型检验的多编辑器支持, 以及自动格式化代码等等。
2021-08-17 09:08:52 175B Rust
Get to grips with modern software demands by learning the effective uses of Rust's powerful memory safety. Key Features Learn and improve the sequential performance characteristics of your software Understand the use of operating system processes in a high-scale concurrent system Learn of the various coordination methods available in the Standard library Book Description Most programming languages can really complicate things, especially with regard to unsafe memory access. The burden on you, the programmer, lies across two domains: understanding the modern machine and your language's pain-points. This book will teach you to how to manage program performance on modern machines and build fast, memory-safe, and concurrent software in Rust. It starts with the fundamentals of Rust and discusses machine architecture concepts. You will be taken through ways to measure and improve the performance of Rust code systematically and how to write collections with confidence. You will learn about the Sync and Send traits applied to threads, and coordinate thread execution with locks, atomic primitives, data-parallelism, and more. The book will show you how to efficiently embed Rust in C++ code and explore the functionalities of various crates for multithreaded applications. It explores implementations in depth. You will know how a mutex works and build several yourself. You will master radically different approaches that exist in the ecosystem for structuring and managing high-scale systems. By the end of the book, you will feel comfortable with designing safe, consistent, parallel, and high-performance applications in Rust. What you will learn Probe your programs for performance and accuracy issues Create your own threading and multi-processing environment in Rust Use coarse locks from Rust’s Standard library Solve common synchronization problems or avoid synchronization using atomic programming Build lock-free/wait-free structures in Rust and understand their implementat
2019-12-21 21:07:23 1.9MB rust concurrency 并发 rust语言