此資源僅供學習使用,欲商用請至Unity AssetStore 支持正版 Runtime Editor is the set of scripts and prefabs which help you to create scene editor, game level editor or build your own modeling application. It supports drag & drop, undo & redo and selection api. To implement user interface and core functions runtime editor use transform-handles, gizmos, save load subsystem and three controls: menu, virtualizing tree view and dock panels.
2023-03-10 14:04:17 83.86MB RuntimeEditor Unity BattleHub
Metaverse 元宇宙 --- Runtime Editor v3.5.1
2022-08-31 18:04:30 83MB RuntimeEditor
Runtime Editor v1.3.2u3 所支持的Unity版本:2017.3.0 及以上版本 Runtime Editor is a set of sc ripts, which will help you to implement runtime scene/level editor. Package divided into several parts, could be used together or independently: RTEditor, RTHandles, RTSaveLoad, UIControls. Features: Positon, Rotation, Scale handle; BoxSelection, Selection gizmo; Scene Gizmo, Grid; Collider, Light, Audio component Gizmos; Global & Local coordinates; Center & Local pivot point mode; Scene view navigation; Snapping (Grid, Ground, Unit, Vertex) Orthographic & Perspective view; Game View; Play & Edit mode; Hierarchy, Project, Inspector windows; ob ject & Component editors; ……
2021-10-14 09:07:21 20.3MB RuntimeEditor
文件大小 23.1 MB 最新版本 2.26 最新发布日期 2020年10月14日 支持Unity版本 2020.1.4或更高
2021-06-22 11:18:04 22.95MB RuntimeEditor unity plugin