Unity3d 镜面反射 网上能找到的基本上是固定管道或表面渲染的shader, 特此翻译为顶点、片段渲染的Shader, 本源码只涉及shader与cs部分, Editor部分使用NGUI绘制的, 请自行下载NGUI unity3d 版本:v4.3.1
2023-03-16 14:25:29 4KB Unity3d Reflection vertex frag
matlab光照模型代码反射去除 根据光线,镜面反射/反射和阴影,物体的图像可能会发生巨大变化。 因此,从图像中去除不希望的反射在计算机视觉和图像处理中非常重要。 这意味着出于美学目的提高图像质量,以及在机器学习和模式识别应用程序中对图像进行预处理。 因此,该项目的目标是审查用于消除图像反射的各种技术。 依存关系 ,,(torch&torchvision),,,,,和。 数据集 用于测试的样本图像由提供。 如何执行程式码 平均:对于给定的图像集,我们对反射去除执行平均。 打开Averaging文件夹并运行python Averaging.py -i 5_images_lowers ,其中-i是包含图像集的文件夹的路径。 独立分量分析:基于光的反射概念和反射图像中基础分布的独立性,拍摄并求解了两个偏振方向不同的图像:Y = MX,其中Y = [y1,y2],两个图像,M是混合矩阵[a,b; c,d](分别表示反射量)和X = [x1,x2]是绘制和反射两个图像中的分量。 打开ICA文件夹并运行python ICA.py -i1 1.png -i2 2.png ,其中-i1和-i2是输入图
2023-02-28 20:21:30 80.13MB 系统开源
matlab曲线的颜色代码射线反射 MATLAB脚本,模拟光线如何从墙壁弹起 该程序模拟光线或声音之类的射线,并计算它们如何从墙壁反射。 这可用于检查房屋或公寓的声音。 起始位置可以用光标声明或选择。 可以设置检查角度的范围。 可以设置检查的光线数量。 可以基于射线的强度来实现色彩系统。 该代码也可以采用弯曲的墙,这取决于用于描述墙的功能。
2023-02-23 14:02:59 113KB 系统开源
matlab说话代码反射法用于地震勘探 用于无源地震勘探干涉测量的Matlab代码 目录中的文件此目录中有四个matlab函数,它们是:mwigb:显示地震数据readsac:从sac格式将数据读取为二进制getsacdata:获取sac数据xg:程序的入口,以获取从被动地震数据中收集虚拟炮弹。 xg简介1).xg是代码的主要入口,通常来说,被动数据按数据保存,虚拟快照集由一个数据数据形成并保存到磁盘,如果您愿意的话。保存所有被动数据(例如10天)后,您应该添加一个循环。 2)。 堆叠所有xg形成的镜头收集,您将得到最终结果。 测试数据太大,无法上传,如果您有兴趣,请与我们联系。
2022-11-22 21:54:16 22KB 系统开源
Essential C# 5.0 is a well-organized, no-fluff guide to the latest versions of C# for programmers at all levels of C# experience. Fully updated to reflect new features and programming patterns introduced with C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5, this guide shows you how to write C# code that is simple, powerful, robust, secure, and maintainable. Microsoft MVP Mark Michaelis and C# principal developer Eric Lippert provide comprehensive coverage of the entire language, offering a complete foundation for effective software development. The authors illustrate key constructs with succinct, downloadable code examples. Graphical mind maps at the beginning of each chapter outline the material that is covered and how individual topics interrelate. This edition also includes C# Coding Guidelines that call attention to today's best practices for writing C# code. Separate indexes of C# versions 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 make it easy to find answers specific to whatever version of C# you are using. Throughout, topics intended for beginners and advanced readers are clearly marked. If you're new to C#, this guide will help you start writing significant code quickly. If you're an experienced C# developer, you'll gain insight into today's most complex programming challenges and techniques as you master key C# 5.0 innovations such as async/await pattern. No matter how advanced your skills become, you'll come to rely on this indispensable reference. Coverage includes * Mastering C# data types, operators, control flow, methods, and parameters* Making the most of C# object-oriented constructs, including classes, inheritance, interfaces, and more* Building reliable, effective exception handling into your code* Using generics, delegates, Lambda expressions, and events to reduce code complexity* Learning dynamic programming with reflection and attributes* Querying virtually any type of data using LINQ with Query Expressions* Creating custom collections that operate against business objects* Understanding the Common Language Infrastructure and C# in the context of the .NET 4.5 development platform* Taking advantage of declarative programming, embedded metadata, reflection, and attributes* Thoroughly mastering multithreading and synchronization, including the new async/await paradigm* Discussion of WinRT and programming in C# for Windows 8* Using P/Invoke, pointers, and direct memory manipulation to interoperate with code in other languages* Understanding how C# programs relate to the underlying runtime
2022-10-11 15:05:36 37.58MB C# Essential Multithread Reflection
2022-08-26 11:11:33 1KB reflection
2022-07-22 09:44:51 94KB c# reflection
用C++实现类对象反射,用到工厂模式,并进行简单的封装 用C++实现类对象反射,用到工厂模式,并进行简单的封装 用C++实现类对象反射,用到工厂模式,并进行简单的封装 用C++实现类对象反射,用到工厂模式,并进行简单的封装 用C++实现类对象反射,用到工厂模式,并进行简单的封装
2022-06-06 17:27:34 835B C++反射
Unity Planar Reflection平面反射
2022-04-06 03:05:16 45KB unity 平面 游戏引擎
经典的C++ Reflection实现,来源于CodeProject,一起学习。其中使用的模版,甚至是宏的概念都让人叹为观止。这是最新修改版,添加了构造及析构的反射
2022-02-23 14:10:15 179KB c++ Reflection 经典实现修改版