2024-01-05 00:07:40 22.33MB 重构与模式
系统的讲述了软件重构的思想和方法,作者Martin Fowler,很有使用价值的哦
2022-12-12 13:43:55 1.78MB 重构
重构,改善既有代码的设计(中文版,Martin Fowler 著).pdf Addison+Wesley+-+Refactoring-Improving+the+Design+of+Existing+Code.pdf(英文版) 连个pdf ,分布为中,j英版的。
"Refactoring" was conceived in Smalltalk circles, but it wasn't long before it found its way into
other programming language camps. Because refactoring is integral to framework development,
the term comes up quickly when "frameworkers" talk about their craft. It comes up when they
refine their class hierarchies and when they rave about how many lines of code they were able to
delete. Frameworkers know that a framework won't be right the first time around—it must evolve
as they gain experience. They also know that the code will be read and modified more frequently
than it will be written. The key to keeping code readable and modifiable is refactoring—for
frameworks, in particular, but also for software in general.
2022-05-03 16:37:40 1.78MB j2ee
xUnit Test Patterns(Refactoring Test Code)英文版
2022-02-25 18:57:53 5.16MB xUnit Test
2022-02-21 16:07:49 580KB refactoring python static-analysis auto-complete
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2022-01-13 19:02:31 6.35MB refactoring php ast upgrade
Martin大叔经典著作《重构》第二版,仅供交流学习之用。 This eagerly awaited new edition has been fully updated to reflect crucial changes in the programming landscape.Refactoring, Second Edition,features an updated catalog of refactorings and includes JavaScript code examples, as well as new functional examples that demonstrate refactoring without classes.
2021-12-02 00:34:03 11.87MB Martin Fowle 重构 第二版
Refactoring To Patterns 重构与模式 英文版
2021-10-06 18:56:37 10.22MB 重构与模式 Refactoring To Patterns
Addison Wesley Refactoring To Patterns.pdf好书推荐给大家
2021-09-19 10:31:37 10.22MB Refactor Pattern