在NLP中,数据清洗与分词往往是很多工作开始的第一步,大多数工作中只有中文语料数据需要进行分词,现有的分词工具也已经有了很多了,这里就不再多介绍了。英文语料由于其本身存在空格符所以无需跟中文语料同样处理,如果英文数据中没有了空格,那么应该怎么处理呢? 今天介绍一个工具就是专门针对上述这种情况进行处理的,这个工具叫做:wordninja,地址在这里。 下面简单以实例看一下它的功能: def wordinjaFunc(): ''' https://github.com/yishuihanhan/wordninja ''' import wordninja print word
2023-03-04 00:25:50 50KB dn IN ni
2022-06-07 18:15:45 2.9MB Python开发-其它杂项
fluent python 英文原版,带书签,非扫描版。Python进阶书籍
2022-05-19 13:39:17 11.88MB fluent python
python核心编程 英文原版 (第三版) 高清文字版PDF,文字清晰可复制。
2022-05-17 17:29:23 9.42MB python 英文原版 (第三版) 文字版PDF
This book’s goal is to bring together three topics near to my heart—programming, math, and science. What does that mean exactly? Within these pages, we’ll programmati-cally explore high school–level topics, like manipulating units of measurement; examining projectile motion;
2022-04-24 08:18:45 7.24MB Python Math 数学
运行:Python 3.* 需用模块:wx;send2trash wx:弹窗模组,send2trash:把文件拖入回收站的模组
2022-04-06 02:40:40 13KB python 翻译 wxpython
This simple book is meant to get you started in programming. The title says it’s the hard way to learn to write code, but it’s actually not. It’s only the “hard” way because it uses a technique called instruction. Instruction is where I tell you to do a sequence of controlled exercises designed to build a skill through repetition. This technique works very well with beginners who know nothing and need to acquire basic skills before they can understand more complex topics. It’s used in everything from martial arts to music to even basic math and reading skills.
2022-01-19 20:23:24 12.36MB python learn python 英文原版
作者:Y. Daniel Liang 出版日期:January 12, 2012 出版社:Prentice Hall 页数:582 ISBN:978-0-13-274718-9 文件格式:PDF 书籍简介: Introduction to Programming Using Python is intended for use in the introduction to programming course. Daniel Liang is known for his “fundamentals-first” approach to teaching programming concepts and techniques. “Fundamentals-first” means that students learn fundamental programming concepts like selection statements, loops, and functions, before moving into defining classes. Students learn basic logic and programming concepts before moving into object-oriented programming, and GUI programming. Another aspect of Introduction to Programming Using Python is that in addition to the typical programming examples that feature games and some math, Liang gives an example or two early in the chapter that uses a simple graphic to engage the students. Rather than asking them to average 10 numbers together, they learn the concepts in the context of a fun example that generates something visually interesting. Using the graphics examples is optional in this textbook. Turtle graphics can be used in Chapters 1-5 to introduce the fundamentals of programming and Tkinter can be used for developing comprehensive graphical user interfaces and for learning object-oriented programming.
2021-12-06 12:12:24 8.83MB Program Python
本书是一本面向实践的Python编程实用指南。本书的目的,不仅是介绍Python语言的基础知识,而且还通过项目实践教会读者如何应用这些知识和技能。本书的首部分介绍了基本Python编程概念,第二部分介绍了一些不同的任务,通过编写Python程序,可以让计算机自动完成它们。第二部分的每一章都有一些项目程序,供读者学习。每章的末尾还提供了一些习题和深入的实践项目,帮助读者巩固所学的知识。附录部分提供了所有习题的解答。 本书适合任何想要通过Python学习编程的读者,尤其适合缺乏编程基础的初学者。通过阅读本书,读者将能利用强大的编程语言和工具,并且会体会到Python编程的快乐。 如今,人们面临的大多数任务都可以通过编写计算机软件来完成。Python是一种解释型、面向对象、动态数据类型的高级程序设计语言。通过Python编程,我们能够解决现实生活中的很多任务。
2021-11-26 10:24:21 26.49MB python 编程 基础 自动化