本书是关于概率论和随机过程的经典教材,为许多国外论文所引用,也是浙江大学信息与通信工程专业考博的参考教材。这本书是第3版,虽然第4版已出版,但从网上读者的反馈来看还不如第三版,而且翻译得不令人满意(查看评论),所以相比之下,这本英文第3版更显得弥足珍贵,希望对大家学习有帮助。 这本书的格式是“DjVu”,大家用google搜索一下“WinDjView”就可以找到对应的阅读工具。我曾试着把它转换为PDF,但是转换后的文件都非常大,所以还是保留了它原来的格式。
2024-01-26 10:58:55 10.68MB 随机过程
This book is an outgrowth of lectures in Mathematics 240, "Applied Stochastic Processes," which I have taught a number of times at Duke University. The majority of the students in the course are graduate students from departments other than mathematics, including computer science, economics, business, biological sciences, psychology, physics, statistics, and engineering. There have also been graduate students from the mathematics department as well as some advanced undergraduates. The mathematical background of the students varies greatly, and the particular areas of stochastic processes that are relevant for their research also vary greatly.
2023-12-06 19:00:56 1.43MB Introduction stochastic processes
2023-05-10 23:57:19 19.46MB 统计
通过卡尔曼滤波进行有效GP回归 基于两篇论文的存储库,其中包含相对于同类项目的简单实现代码: [1] A.Carron,M.Todescato,R.Carli,L.Schenato,G.Pillonetto,机器学习遇到了Kalman Filtering ,《 2016年第55届决策与控制会议论文集》,第4594-4599页。 [2] M.Todescato,A.Carron,R.Carli,G.Pillonetto,L.Schenato,通过卡尔曼滤波的有效时空高斯回归,ArXiv:1705.01485,已提交JMLR。 PS。 该代码尽管基于上述论文中使用的代码,但与之稍有不同。 它是它的后来的改进和简化版本。 而且,此处仍未提供[2]中介绍的用于实现自适应方法的代码。 文件内容是很容易解释的(有关每个文件的简要介绍,请参考相应的帮助): main.m:包含主程序 plotResul
手语是听力障碍人士交流的媒介。 它使用手势而不是声音来传达意义。 它结合了手的形状、手、手臂或身体的方向和运动、面部表情和唇形来传达信息。 不同类型的项目是针对聋哑人、听力障碍的人进行的。 提出了一种用于手语识别的具有计算机人机界面的系统。 但是该项目存在全国范围内的差异。 该项目的主要思想是设计一个系统,用于在任何公共场所与外界进行交流,从而无需在公共场所进行口译。 在那个项目中,我们需要以数字符号的印度手语为数据库形式的孤立图像。 普通相机可用于获取此数字符号。 主成分分析 (PCA) 用于预处理,其中删除冗余和不需要的数据。
2023-03-22 20:46:07 621KB PCA morphological processes
EWM100_EN_Col92_FV_Part_A4 - Extended Warehouse Management Processes
2023-02-12 10:30:09 24.38MB SAP Extended Warehouse Management
Probability and Random Processes with Application to Signal Processing,经典的信号处理教程,英文原版,非扫描版,带部分书签
2023-01-08 10:32:41 8.12MB Probability Signal Processing
TextBook : Adventures Stochastic Processes by Resnick
2022-09-21 12:04:45 10.98MB Resnick; Stochastic Processes
As the requirements of the semiconductor industry have become more demanding in terms of resolution and speed it has been necessary to push photoresist materials far beyond the capabilities previously envisioned. Currently there is significant worldwide research effort in to so called Next Generation Lithography techniques such as EUV lithography and multibeam electron beam lithography. These developments in both the industrial and the academic lithography arenas have led to the proliferation of numerous novel approaches to resist chemistry and ingenious extensions of traditional photopolymers. Currently most texts in this area focus on either lithography with perhaps one or two chapters on resists, or on traditional resist materials with relatively little consideration of new approaches. This book therefore aims to bring together the worlds foremost resist development scientists from the various community to produce in one place a definitive description of the many approaches to lithography fabrication. Assembles up-to-date information from the world’s premier resist chemists and technique development lithographers on the properties and capabilities of the wide range of resist materials currently under investigationIncludes information on processing and metrology techniquesBrings together multiple approaches to litho pattern recording from academia and industry in one place
2022-09-04 11:23:40 57.27MB 光刻
2.9 段寄存器 我们前面讲到. 8086CPU 在访问内存时要由相关部件提供内存单元的段地址和偏移地 址,送入地址加法器合成物理地址。 这里,我们要看一下,是什么部件提供段地址。 段地 址在 8086CPU 的段寄存器中存放。 8086CPU 有 4 个段寄存器: CS , DS , SS 、 ES。当 8086CPU 要访问内存时由这 4 个段寄存器提供内存单元的段地址。 我们本课中只介绍 CS o 2.10 CS 和 IP CS 和 IP 是 8086CPU 中两个最关键的寄存器,它们指示了 CPU 当前要读取指令的地
2022-09-02 17:42:04 29.23MB 王爽