The Pragmatic Programmer, From Journeyman To Master 英文版 完整pdf版
2022-03-09 21:13:49 2.25MB The Pragmatic Programmer 英文版
Drowning in unnecessary complexity, unmanaged state, and tangles of spaghetti code? In the best tradition of Lisp, Clojure gets out of your way so you can focus on expressing simple solutions to hard problems. Clojure cuts through complexity by providing a set of composable tools--immutable data, functions, macros, and the interactive REPL. Written by members of the Clojure core team, this book is the essential, definitive guide to Clojure. This new edition includes information on all the newest features of Clojure, such as transducers and specs. Clojure joins the flexibility and agility of Lisp with the reach, stability, and performance of Java. Combine Clojure's tools for maximum effectiveness as you work with immutable data, functional programming, and safe concurrency to write programs that solve real-world problems. Start by reading and understanding Clojure syntax and see how Clojure is evaluated. From there, find out about the sequence abstraction, which combines immutable collections with functional programming to create truly reusable data transformation code. Clojure is a functional language; learn how to write programs in a functional style, and when and how to use recursion to your advantage. Discover Clojure's unique approach to state and identity, techniques for polymorphism and open systems using multimethods and protocols, and how to leverage Clojure's metaprogramming capabilities via macros. Finally, put all the pieces together in a real program. New to this edition is coverage of Clojure's spec library, one of the most interesting new features of Clojure for describing both data and functions. You can use Clojure spec to validate data, destructure data, explain invalid data, and generate large numbers of tests to verify the correctness of your code. With this book, you'll learn how to think in Clojure, and how to take advantage of its combined strengths to build powerful programs quickly.
2022-02-10 22:42:33 1.57MB Clojure Lisp
1 a new book for program testing
2022-01-06 09:37:32 3.99MB software testing
The.Pragmatic.Programmer; 2.38MB 英文版 程序员修炼之道.中文版.pdf 11.4MB 电子工业出版社中文版影印
2022-01-05 19:57:27 12.84MB 程序员修炼之道 The.Pragmatic.Programmer
Pragmatic - Testing.Elixir.2021.7.epub
2021-08-25 13:05:03 1.28MB Elixir Testing
Metaprogramming is one of Elixir's greatest features. Maybe you've played with the basics or written a few macros. Now you want to take it to the next level. This book is a guided series of metaprogramming tutorials that take you step by step to metaprogramming mastery. You'll extend Elixir with powerful features and write faster, more maintainable programs in ways unmatched by other languages. You'll start with the basics of Elixir's metaprogramming system and find out how macros interact with Elixir's abstract format. Then you'll extend Elixir with your own first-class features, write a testing framework, and discover how Elixir treats source code as building blocks, rather than rote lines of instructions. You'll continue your journey by using advanced code generation to create essential libraries in strikingly few lines of code. Finally, you'll create domain-specific languages and learn when and where to apply your skills effectively. When you're done, you will have mastered metaprogramming, gained insights into Elixir's internals, and have the confidence to leverage macros to their full potential in your own projects.
2021-08-12 18:21:36 4.35MB Meta programming Elixir
这本书是 Programming Scala 的第二版,估计作者也是为了与大名鼎鼎的 Programming in Scala 区分开来吧,把名字换成了 Pragmatic Scala 了。好书一本。
2021-06-30 19:02:02 5.71MB Programming Scala 2nd Pragmatic
作者:Andrew Hunt David Thomas。该资源包括:英文原书,中文译本。
2021-06-19 16:26:49 12.02MB 书籍