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Ken Binmore is an outstanding exponent of game theory. His many books are written in a delightfully fresh and engaging style, as is this one. Enjoy! Playing for Real will sell into advanced undergraduate courses in game theory, primarily those in economics, but also courses in the social sciences, and serve as a reference for economists.
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Learn RPGs in GameMaker: Studio Build and Design Role Playing Games By Ben Tyers English | PDF | 2017 | 310 Pages | ISBN : 1484229452 | 13.31 MB Carry out the pre-planning, design, and programming of role playing games (RPGs) using the popular GameMaker: Studio in this very practical and fun book. Author Ben Tyers teaches you how to create a story or plotline for the RPG, apply aesthetics, and develop core and extended gameplay. Using Learn RPGs in GameMaker: Studio, you can design and build your own RPG using the GameMaker: Studio platform. Build your first game application and deploy in an app store, on Facebook, or just on a PC. Maybe, even, make a few bucks.
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玩SMPLify-X 这是[ ]的分支。 我只是分享了我对该代码所做的一些代码修改,所有功劳归原始作者所有。 另请阅读中级帖子: : 理解SMPLify-X可能非常棘手,因为它具有许多不同的配置和很长的代码段。 此仓库中的修改旨在使SMPLify-X可以零配置运行,并提供有关其工作原理的更好见解。 将配置解析与运行代码分开,以使其更易于阅读 允许在单个图像上运行人体检测,并在完成后显示结果。 允许使用OpenPose即时运行2D关键点检测,而无需先运行它即可生成JSON输出文件。 展示了SMPLify-X优化器的工作方式,将人体模型的制作效果呈现在已处理图像的顶部。 安装 要安装,请首先按照SMPLify-X安装说明进行操作。 您必须从项目网站下载使用的人体模型,注册并接受其使用许可的条款。 确认邮件并登录到站点后,在“下载”部分中,您将找到“ SMPL-X模型”和“ VP
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