petri net编辑工具 比PIPE2更好用,更易学习
2023-03-08 19:42:14 28.29MB petri net编辑工具
2022-12-03 10:54:55 4.84MB petri网 petri net 分析工具
Petri Net编辑器 能够进行简单结构分析的极简Petri网络编辑器。 它可以在Petri网中找到电路,手柄和桥(如)。 您可以添加,删除和连接节点,添加令牌和触发转换,导出网络并以XML分解结果。 用鼠标左键移动节点,用右键选择。 自动网络布局基于。 免责声明 该应用程序于2015年被编写为大学项目。我不对其进行更新或维护。 建造 在Visual Studio中打开.sln文件,然后选择“构建-生成解决方案” 。 生成的.exe文件将在NetEditor/bin/Debug (或NetEditor/bin/Release )下生成。 屏幕截图
2022-11-02 14:42:40 1.05MB csharp graph-algorithms wpf petri-nets
学习Petri Net必备资料 After simulation ends, the global performance indices described in the Scope section are stored by the PN Toolbox and can be visualized by using the Performance menu. Besides these, there are also a number of global indices for which the current values are not defined. The following two tables present the complete lists of global indices associated with the places (displayed by the Place Indices command) and the transitions (displayed by the Transition Indices command), respectively: - for a transition: • Service Sum: total number of firings; • Service Distance: average value of the current index Service Distance; • Service Rate: average frequency of firings (inverse of Service Distance); • Service Time: average value of the current index Service Time; • Utilization: average value of the current index Utilization; - for a place: • Arrival Sum: total number of arrived tokens; • Arrival Distance: average value of the current index Arrival Distance; • Arrival Rate: average frequency of token-arrivals (inverse of Arrival Distance); • Throughput Sum: total number of departed tokens; • Throughput Distance: average value of the current index Throughput Distance; • Throughput Rate: average frequency of token-departures (inverse of Throughput
2022-06-28 10:35:32 1.94MB Petri Net
供混杂系统建模使用,在MATLAB 6.5以上版本中使用。可以建立5种类型的PETRI网。 The software Petri Net Toolbox, dealing with Petri nets under MATLAB, is presented. It can handle five types of Petri nets(untimed, transition-timed, place-timed,stochastic and generalized stochastic) with finite or infinite capacity. The toolbox is equipped with a user-friendly graphical interface and allows three simulation modes accompanied or not by animation.
2022-04-24 12:15:08 12KB MATLAB, Petri Net
供混杂系统建模使用,在MATLAB 6.5以上版本中使用。可以建立5种类型的PETRI网。 The software Petri Net Toolbox, dealing with Petri nets under MATLAB, is presented. It can handle five types of Petri nets(untimed, transition-timed, place-timed,stochastic and generalized stochastic) with finite or infinite capacity. The toolbox is equipped with a user-friendly graphical interface and allows three simulation modes accompanied or not by animation.
2021-11-04 10:07:11 12KB MATLAB, Petri Net
HiPS工具是由信州大学计算机科学与工程系开发的,它是使用Microsoft Visual C#和C ++开发的Petri网的工具设计和分析。 HiPS工具具有直观的GUI方式,可实现分层和/或定时网络设计。 HiPS工具还具有静态/动态分析功能:T不变检测,可达性路径分析,死锁状态检测和k有界分析。 另外,可以对每个点火步骤执行随机行走模拟。
2021-08-09 23:02:15 152.25MB 开源软件
2021-07-18 09:26:18 3.68MB Petri-Net 建模 讲义
基于Petri net with inhibitor arcs的Python多线程程序分析.pdf
2021-06-29 15:04:02 109KB Python 程序 数据处理 专业指导
2021-05-23 12:22:10 3.53MB 着色petri net