PDF密码破解软件绿色 v3.1(含注册机)
2023-10-23 14:04:00 3.35MB PDF 密码 破解 绿色
可以即时解锁PDF文件并可以去掉编辑,打印和复制的限制。快速有效地打开加密和有密码保护的PDF文件。这项正在申请Thunder Tables?专利的技术能保证在一分钟之内恢复40位的密码。现代多核电脑提供了多线程低层次代码优化,从而在最好的性能下最快地恢复最复杂的密码。 以下是官网介绍: Recover PDF Passwords and Instantly Remove PDF Restrictions Get access to password-protected PDF files quickly and efficiently! Instantly unlock restricted PDF documents by removing printing, editing and copying restrictions! Advanced PDF Password Recovery recovers or instantly removes passwords protecting or locking PDF documents created with all versions of Adobe Acrobat or any other PDF application. Features and Benefits Supports all versions of Adobe Acrobat, including Acrobat 9 Supports GPU acceleration Supports all third-party products producing PDF files Instantly unlocks PDF documents with printing, copying and editing restrictions Removes “owner” and “user” passwords Recovers passwords to open Supports 40-bit and 128-bit RC4 encryption as well as 128-bit and 256-bit AES encryption Patent-pending Thunder Tables? technology recovers 40-bit passwords in a matter of minutes Dictionary and brute-force attacks with user-defined masks and advanced templates Three editions to satisfy the most demanding and savvy customers Optionally removes JScript code, form fields and digital signatures Batch mode allows automatic processing of multiple files Highly optimized low-level code optimized for modern multi-core CPUs Instant Access to Restricted PDF Documents Remove annoying restrictions from PDF files! Advanced PDF Password Recovery instantly unlocks PDF documents that restrict you of printing, editing or copying of data to clipboard. This is by far the most common protection found in PDF files. If you can open a document without a password, but cannot print it at all or are restricted to low-quality output, or if you cannot copy data to clipboard or cannot edit the document, read no further and get Advanced PDF Password Recovery Standard edition! Passwords to Open What if you can’t open a PDF document at all without knowing the correct password? In that case, you’ll need the password recovery feature found in the Professional and Enterprise editions of Advanced PDF Password Recovery. The PDF format specifies two types of protection: the weak 40-bit and the strong 128-bit encryption. Advanced PDF Password Recovery guarantees the recovery of 40-bit keys by attacking the encryption key instead of attempting to guess the password. While the Professional edition takes up to several days to recover a PDF document protected with a 40-bit key, the Enterprise edition can unlock an encrypted PDF in a matter of minutes! Thunder Tables? Technology (Patent Pending) The unique Thunder Tables? technology developed by ElcomSoft uses pre-computed tables to significantly speed up the recovery of 40-bit keys. The technology is available in the Enterprise edition, and will unlock a protected document in a matter of minutes instead of days. Strong Password Recovery If the PDF is protected with a strong 128-bit or 256-bit key, Advanced PDF Password Recovery performs a range of attacks on the PDF file document in order to obtain the original password. But even then you’re not left without options! Dictionary Attack Most passwords used by living beings are based on a word or phrase. Performing a dictionary attack by attempting different combinations of cases and variations of words and characters before reverting to a comprehensive brute-force attack allows for considerate time savings shall the attack succeed. Brute Force Attack If the password does not fall into any dictionary, Advanced PDF Password Recovery attempts all possible combinations of passwords by performing the brute force attack. The highly optimized low-level code provides the best-in-class performance for the brute-force password recovery. Multi-threaded optimization ensures optimum performance on the modern multi-core CPUs. Additional Notes Mac Computers: Advanced PDF Password Recovery may not run on Mac running Windows 2000/XP/Vista on a virtual machine (using Virtual PC, VMWare, Parallels or other virtualization software). DRM and Third-Party Security Plug-ins: Advanced PDF Password Recovery does not support PDF files protected using Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology or any third-party party security plug-ins such as FileOpen (FOPN_fLock). Version 5.0 works with PDF files created in Adobe Acrobat 9 (with 256-bit AES encryption), with multi-core and multi-processor support and hardware acceleration using NVIDIA cards.
2023-10-18 11:10:14 2.19MB PDF 密码破解 汉化版 纯净注册版
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2023-03-02 09:37:59 2.42MB pdf密码破解
PDF文件如果被作者加密保护,那么文件内容将被禁止编辑,禁止复制,禁止另存等操作。PDF Password Cracker Pro是一个专门破解加密PDF文件的实用工具,可以用来破解PDF文件的“所有者密码”,也可以用来破解用FileOpen插件加密的文件。破解后的PDF文件可以用各种PDF阅读器打开而无任何限制!
2023-02-27 14:25:49 2.13MB pdf
2023-02-08 14:49:49 2.48MB pdf密码破解
pdfcrack-ng(下一代pdfcrack) pdfcrack-ng是用C语言编写的简单工具,可以从PDF中恢复被忘记的密码。 它应该能够处理所有使用标准安全性处理程序的PDF,但是PDF解析例程有点棘手。 您可能会偶然发现一些需要修复解析器以处理它们的PDF。 特征 带有标准安全处理程序修订版2、3和5的所有者和/或用户密码。 默认情况下启用多线程。 使用自动或特定字符集按单词列表或强行搜索。 搜索依据: 当已知或未设置用户密码时,优化了对所有者密码的搜索。 简单的密码可选排列,使首字母大写。 使用字符集进行暴力破解时: 中断时(该过程为Ctrl-C或SIGINT),它将自动保存当前状态,并在下次尝试时恢复。 可选的最小密码长度 可选的最大密码长度 安装 您不需要任何外部库。 赶紧跑: $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake ..
2023-01-04 10:31:14 57KB C
pdf转word+pdf密码破解 一共两个工具,包括pdf转word+pdf密码破解
2022-11-04 19:45:48 6.04MB pdf转word pdf密码破解
飞扬PDF密码破解器是一个可以速的破解掉PDF文档的密码的软件,它可移除AES,128-bit加密的“所有者密码,破解后的文件可以用各种PDF浏览器阅读而无任何限制,快来下载体验吧。 软件特色 本软件可以快速的破解掉PDF文档的密码,可移除AES,128-bit加密的"所有者密码. 未破解”所有者密码”的PDF文件是不能被编辑和打印的。该程序也可以破解用FileOpen插件加密的文件。破解可以立即
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