Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I全书资源
2022-04-08 09:27:35 5.9MB 解微分方程 算法
2021-11-29 23:35:56 5.28MB Ordinary Differential Equation arnol
2021-11-29 23:32:46 6.34MB ordinary differential equation
During the past three decades, the development of nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems and their applications to science and engineering has stimulated renewed enthusiasm for the theory of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). This useful book, which is based on the lecture notes of a well-received graduate course, emphasizes both theory and applications, taking numerous examples from physics and biology to illustrate the application of ODE theory and techniques. Written in a straightforward and easily accessible style, this volume presents dynamical systems in the spirit of nonlinear analysis to readers at a graduate level and serves both as a textbook and as a valuable resource for researchers. This new edition contains corrections and suggestions from the various readers and users. A new chapter on Monotone Dynamical Systems is added to take into account the new developments in ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems.
2021-11-20 22:28:17 12.55MB 常微分方程
Ordinary Differential Equations》——William A. Adkins;图书教材;常微分方程
2021-11-16 15:04:50 8.33MB 常微分方程 Ordinary Differe William
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations - J.C. Butcher (2003) WW.djvu
2021-08-23 14:57:31 3.12MB Numerical Methods Ordinary Differential
Differential Equations are somewhat pervasive in the description of natural phenomena and the theory of Ordinary Differential Equations is a basic framework where concepts, tools and results allow a systematic approach to knowledge. This same book aims to give a concrete proof of how the modeling of Nature is based on this theory and beyond. This appendix is intended to provide some concepts and results that are used in the text, referring to the student background and to textbooks for a full acquaintance of the material. We actually mention [ 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 10 ] as basic references on the subject.
2021-08-13 21:12:42 5.76MB MATH
Differential equations are vital to science, engineering and mathematics, and this book enables the reader to develop the required skills needed to understand them thoroughly. The authors focus on constructing solutions analytically and interpreting their meaning and use MATLAB extensively to illustrate the material along with many examples based on interesting and unusual real world problems. A large selection of exercises is also provided
2021-06-25 10:21:50 6.76MB Differential Equations Nonlinear
2021-05-07 10:38:27 3.77MB 盲源分离 AMUSE SOBI JADER
Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2021-04-16 14:59:38 2.75MB fd