The Optima Tools Suite for OSE is a set of tools for browsing and debugging OSE systems. It is based on the Eclipse Platform and the Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tools). The Eclipse Platform is an open and extensible IDE framework, and the Eclipse CDT is a C/C++ Integrated Development Environment for the Eclipse Platform with generic support for editing, building, launching, and debugging C/C++ programs.
2021-12-09 12:32:58 4.3MB Optima Tools Suite User's
optima.hash-pattern - Optima 的哈希表模式 optima.hash-pattern 是的扩展,它提供了一些模式来匹配常见的 lisp 哈希表。 有一种构造器模式和一种派生模式。 哈希属性 hash-property模式类似于property模式,但匹配哈希表而不是 plist。 句法: (hash-property KEY PATTERN) 例子: (let ((tab (make-hashtable))) (setf (gethash :a tab) 1) (match tab ((hash-property :a x) x))) => 1 哈希表 hashtable模式类似于plist模式,但再次匹配哈希表而不是 plist 句法: (hashtable {KEY PATTERN}*) 扩张: (hashtable {k
2021-07-03 14:06:02 2KB CommonLisp