A OpenGL program developed in MFC IDE,which realized the 3D modeling and animation display of complex objects and also achieved a wonderful management of the objects' motion state using menu ,mouse and keyboard.The program is of great synthese as the technology of it refers to comtemporary c++ programing,MFC programing and OpenGL programing. MFC环境下的OpenGL编程,用于实现复杂物体的三维建模和动画显示,并实现了非常全面的菜单、鼠标、键盘功能控制,管理物体的运动状态,涉及现代C++编程技术、MFC编程技术和OpenGL编程,综合性很强
2019-12-21 18:50:27 3.72MB OpenGL\MFC\三维建模\动画