OPC UA OPC基金会标准源代码 基于.Net 包含服务器和客户端源代码,使用 visual studio 2017 打开项目
2023-03-30 20:24:54 3.47MB OPC基金会 OPCUA 源代码
OPC基金会发布的最新的完整版的关于OPC UA 协议,全文共包括13部分,详细介绍了关于命名空间、数据访问、历史数据访问等内容,是开发OPC UA服务器或者客户端不可缺少的教材。
2021-05-23 16:51:46 17.94MB OPC UA 协议
2019-12-21 22:10:57 427KB OPCClient VC++源代码
OPC Foundation的一些头文件等,32位,64位,例如OPC的COM接口定义等
2019-12-21 21:54:37 474KB OPC OPC基金会 头文件 idl
This version of the OPC .NET API supports .NET 2.0 and has been tested on Windows Vista. The OPC .NET API is primarily intended to provide interoperability between existing OPC specifications and applications developed in the .NET environment. The API does support COM based and SOAP/XML based servers via the same set of interfaces, however, the API does not introduce new concepts or data models. In other words, the .NET API is intended provide an intermediate step between the existing OPC technologies and the new technologies which are part of the Unified Architecture initiative.
2019-12-21 19:47:49 2.67MB .NET Server OPC基金会