Activiti项目是一项新的基于Apache许可的开源BPM平台,从基础开始构建,旨在提供支持新的BPMN 2.0标准,包括支持对象管理组(OMG),面对新技术的机遇,诸如互操作性和云架构,提供技术实现。 这个资源找了很久,这个绝对是真的,之前CSDN上那个是假的还要10分;那个真是坑爹
2022-06-14 16:07:28 10.76MB Activiti in action BPMN OMG
OMG! 直播带货,开辟工会服务职工新玩法.pdf
2022-02-07 14:12:26 2.21MB 直播 视频 数据处理 参考文献
Architecture-driven Modernization Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel (ASTM) V1.pdf The purpose of the ASTM is to provide a framework that allows tool vendors and tool clients to build and use tools that conform to commonly agreed upon modeling specifications for the interchange of abstract syntax models of software. Interoperability is achieved when models can be interchanged using modeling elements that conform to those specified in the ASTM specification. The internal proprietary models of tools need not conform the ASTM for a tool to be considered compliant with the ASTM. To be considered compliant a tool need only adhere to the ASTM as a model interchange specification. Tool conformance is concerned solely with the ability of tools to interchange models that conform to the ASTM. • For a GAST model to conform with the ASTM it must conform to the GAST Metamodel provided by this specification. • For a SAST model to conform to the ASTM it must conform to both the GASTM model provided with this specification as well as the SASTM model provided by some future SASTM specification. The ASTM is a bi-dimension multi-layered modeling specification. The two dimensions of the ASTM define both syntactic as well as the semantic properties of software. The layers of the ASTM define a core set of modeling elements, the GASTM, that are common to many programming languages as well as a set of extensions, the SASTMs, that extend from the core for and are used in concert with the GASTM for defining models specialized to particular programming languages. Table 2.1 illustrates the Compliance Points of the ASTM.
2021-10-13 13:54:55 8.96MB OMG 架构 语法
2021-09-25 16:04:58 952KB 财务管理类 PPT 文档资料
Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems Version 1.2 OMG Available Specifiction formal/07-01-01 DDS 的规范文档
2021-09-22 10:04:59 1.94MB DDS
OMG BPM认证考试,基础级别考试范围介绍
2021-07-20 11:13:34 222KB OMG BPMN2.0
OMG BPM认证业务中级考试说明
2021-07-20 11:13:33 249KB OMG BPMN2.0
OMG BPM认证业务高级考试说明
2021-07-20 11:13:32 214KB OMG BPMN2.0
OMG BPM认证技术中级考试说明
2021-07-20 11:13:32 224KB OMG BPMN2.0
OMG BPM认证技术高级考试说明
2021-07-20 11:13:31 220KB OMG BPMN2.0