2023-12-10 16:45:53 240KB 首发论文
PF_RING DNA模式默认免受全授权版本! 1> 本版本免受权暂时只支持X86_64,linux内核版本2.6.32及其以上(我用CentOS6.5-X86_64) 2> ZC模式暂不支持,请使用DNA模式相关驱动 3> 本版本请勿用于商业用途,纯属做性能研究之用 4> 如有疑问:pc_man_linux@qq.com
2023-09-06 14:46:53 15.75MB PF_RING dna x86_64 免授权
交换环理论 Commutative Ring Theory - H. Matsumura
2023-04-03 10:13:51 4.39MB 交换环理论 Matsumura
2023-02-28 20:06:08 1.73MB 抓包 监控
Measuring the electromagnetic properties of materials has important applications in many fields. In this paper, two electrically small sensors based on the split ring resonators (SRRs) with extended long legs, i.e., two-layer and three-layer magnetic coupled SRRs, are proposed to measure the permittivity of small samples of unknown materials. By virtue of several merits, such as extremely compact size for two-layer and three-layer magnetic coupled SRRs, respectively), high quality factor (Q), and stable resonance. Especially, the proposed three-layer magnetic coupled sensor with opposite splits on the SRRs is able to further improve the quality factor and have better stability compared with the two-layer coupled sensor. By different shifting resonant frequencies instead of the single ones and the polynomial fitting method, the proposed sensors can accuratelycalculatetheunknownpermittivity.Simulatedandexperimentalresultshavevalidatedtheefficacy of the proposed approach and designs. With the features of compact size and lower far-field radiation, the proposed resonators can be combined with various permittivity measurement algorithms to improve the measurement accuracy in a wide range of environments beyond the specific experimental setup.
2022-11-30 11:29:27 8.2MB SRRs Microwave Sensor
matlab洛伦兹代码ring_resonator_Matlab 编写代码以从环形谐振器频谱中找到并选择谐振峰值,并对每个峰值进行Lorentz拟合。 peak_finde_and_analysis.m返回共振的波长,Q因子,FSR,消光比,三种不同耦合标准下的损耗以及振幅耦合系数。 需要文件夹lib中的功能。 代码文件顶部的使用说明。 ring_spectrum_example.csv-> R = 120um的环形谐振器的实验数据。 文件中的默认参数集基于此特定示例。
2022-06-08 16:15:08 1.13MB 系统开源
2022-04-18 11:04:43 464KB eldenring
PF_RING是Luca Deri发明的提高内核处理数据包效率,并兼顾应用程序的补丁,如Libpcap和TCPDUMP等,以及一些辅助性程序(如ntop查看并分析网络流量等)。 压缩包里使用手册很详细,具有很强参考价值
2022-03-29 23:04:16 10.54MB PF_RING
基本功能: 根据手腕的前后左右扭动和上下摆动实现界面切换和页面操作,实时时钟,电池电量, 计步,秒表,闹铃,俯仰横滚角,指南针,游戏(贪吃蛇) 开发环境: KEIL5+STM32CubeMX+HAL 库完成固件代码编写,立创EDA完成硬件PCB设计
2022-03-28 16:14:58 58.96MB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
CT_Ring_artifacts_removal 具有径向中值滤波的环形伪影去除算法。
2022-03-14 19:38:27 3.2MB MATLAB