元数值 Meta.Numerics是一个用于.NET平台的高级数值计算库。 它提供了面向对象的API,用于数据处理,统计分析,高级功能,矩阵代数,傅立叶变换,高级功能,扩展精度算术和求解器功能,例如集成,优化和求根。 Meta.Numerics是David Wright的2008-2020年版权。 它是根据Microsoft公共许可证(BSD风格的开源许可证)获得许可的。 有关更多信息,请访问 。
2023-07-25 20:43:11 965KB statistics math dotnet optimization
这里是 ShowMeAI 持续分享的【开源eBook】系列!内容覆盖机器学习、深度学习、数据科学、数据分析、大数据、Keras、TensorFlow、PyTorch、强化学习、数学基础等各个方向。整理自各平台的原作者公开分享(审核大大请放手) ◉ 简介:数值算法从『可计算的量』中近似地计算出『难以处理的量』,或者说,从数据中推断出一个潜在的量。因此计算程序可被视作 learning machine,使用贝叶斯推理来建立更灵活有效的计算算法。概率数值计算正式确立了『机器学习』和『应用数学』之间的联系。本书提供了大量的背景材料(还有数据、工作实例、练习及解答),更适用于AI、CS、统计学、应用数学的研究生。 ◉ 目录: 第一章:数学背景 第二章:整合 第三章:线性代数 第四章:局部优化 第五章:全局优化 第六章:求解常微分方程 第七章:前沿 第八章:习题答案
2022-12-31 12:25:23 3.65MB 人工智能 线性代数 数学 概率论
MathNet.Numerics dll函数库4.15版本,适用于net4.0/net4.61,可以用C#、VB.NET等
2022-11-15 21:39:16 2.21MB c语言 开发语言 VB.NET C#
Elasticity is concerned with determining the strength and load carrying ability of engineering structures including buildings, bridges, cars, planes, and thousands of machine parts that most of us never see. It is especially important in the fields of mechanical, civil, aeronautical and materials engineering. Elasticity: Theory, Applications and Numerics 2e provides a concise and organized presentation and development of the theory of elasticity, moving from solution methodologies, formulations and strategies into applications of contemporary interest, including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite materials, micromechanics and computational methods. Developed as a text for a one or two-semester graduate elasticity course, this new edition is the only elasticity text to provide coverage in the new area of non-homogenous, or graded, materal behavior. End of chapter exercises throughout the book are fully incorporated with the use of MATLAB software. Key Features: * Provides a thorough yet concise introduction to general elastic theory and behavior * Demonstrates numerous applications in areas of contemporary interest including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite and graded materials, micromechanics, and computational methods * The only current elasticity text to incorporate MATLAB into its extensive end-of-chapter exercises * The book's organization makes it well-suited for a one or two semester course in elastictiy Features New to the Second Edition: * First elasticity text to offer a chapter on non-homogenous, or graded, material behavior * New appendix on review of undergraduate mechanics of materials theory to make the text more self-contained * 355 end of chapter exercises - 30% NEW to this edition
2021-08-27 23:46:19 16.22MB Elasticity
MathNet.Numerics.dll 3.20 编译结果 dll MathNet.Numerics.dll 3.20 编译结果 dll
2021-08-26 16:58:25 1.37MB MathNet Numerics
MathNet.Numerics C#的一些数学方法类库,挺好使的 可以查看这个博客 https://blog.csdn.net/u010067685/article/details/118309882 哟 突然发现这个csdn可以设置积分了,那就1分意思一下
2021-06-29 14:01:31 3.14MB .net C# 数学方法类库
2021-03-17 11:11:44 3.76MB Fortran
2020-01-03 11:18:01 44.01MB Stochastic Numerics
本书的目的是为解决由科学,工程和数学金融领域的随机微分方程模型提出的问题提供有益的理解。 通常,这些问题需要使用数值方法来获得解决方案。
2019-12-21 21:38:59 2.15MB 数学