Flash 内存的圣经 对 Flash 结构与制成有兴趣的人 可以下载来看看
2021-07-06 20:37:30 10.93MB Flash Nonvolatile Memory 内存
Nonvolatile Memory Technologies with Emphasis on Flas.
2021-02-22 15:10:01 10.88MB Nonvolatile Memory Technologies Flash
The story of Flash memory is one of a unique technology that was almost a failure. Only after three unsuccessful attempts did Flash succeed in the marketplace. To succeed, Flash had to solve several technical problems and had to create a market for itself. Once these issues were addressed, Flash quickly became the highest volume nonvolatile memory displacing the EPROM only 5 years after its successful entry in the market. Today, Flash is challenging DRAM for the highest volume semiconductor memory used in the world. While the market forecast for Flash is bright, the technology is approaching fundamental limits in its scalability.
2019-12-21 21:08:51 10.93MB memory