NVM ExpressTM (NVMeTM) Base Specification revision 1.4 and prior revisions define a register level interface for host software to communicate with a non-volatile memory subsystem over PCI ExpressTM (NVMeTM over PCIeTM ). This specification defines extensions to NVMe that enable operation over other interconnects (NVMeTM over Fabrics). The NVM Express Base Specification revision 1.4 is referred to as the NVMe Base specification. The mapping of extensions defined in this document to a specific NVMe Transport are defined in an NVMe Transport binding specification. This document contains an NVMe Transport binding specification for RDMA and TCP. The NVMe Transport binding specification for Fibre Channel is defined in INCITS 540 Fibre Channel – Non-Volatile Memory Express (FC-NVMe), refer to http://www.incits.org.
2021-10-15 09:01:08 1.06MB nvme nof nvmeof
2021-05-23 22:02:31 1.7MB 分布式全闪存 FASS TaoCloud NVMeoF
高性能硬件的快速发展,诸如多核 CPU 、高带网络、高性能 SSD以及各种智能芯片,为新一代性能型全闪 SDS 提供了发展机遇,裸金属云存储应运而生。全闪 SDS 基于全用户态设计(kernel bypass)、polling 模型、专核调度策略、端到端 NVMf 协议,极致发挥裸金属物理性能,实现百微秒级低延迟下的千万级 IOPS 超高性能。新一代性能型全闪 SDS ,为核心业务系统中 SDS 替换传统存储提供了极好的驱动力,为新兴应用提供了极佳的存储基础设施。