一、资源概述 本资源文档旨在为用户提供一份全面而详细的MySQL高可用集群MGR(组复制)集群的介绍及搭建说明。MySQL组复制(MySQL Group Replication, MGR)是一个基于原生MySQL复制实现的、提供数据一致性和容错性的同步复制插件。通过MGR,用户可以构建高可用性的MySQL集群,实现数据的实时同步和故障自动转移。 二、内容亮点 MGR集群原理:文档首先介绍了MGR集群的基本原理,包括集群的组成结构、数据同步机制、故障转移机制等,帮助用户深入了解MGR集群的工作原理。 搭建步骤:文档详细描述了从环境准备到集群搭建的每一步操作,包括服务器配置、MySQL安装、MGR插件安装与配置、集群初始化等,确保用户能够按照文档指引成功搭建MGR集群。 集群管理:文档还介绍了如何对MGR集群进行日常管理和维护,包括节点添加与删除、集群状态监控、性能调优等,帮助用户更好地管理和使用MGR集群。 故障场景处理:文档详细分析了MGR集群可能遇到的故障场景,如节点宕机、网络故障等,并提供了相应的处理方法和恢复步骤,帮助用户快速恢复集群的正常运行。
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=============================================================================== 1. Installation =============================================================================== 1.1 Redhat/Fedora systems: -------------------------- To install MONyog on these systems the RPM package should be used. Execute the following command as 'root' user: # rpm -ivh .rpm After installing, MONyog will be started automatically as a daemon/service. You can immediately start monitoring your MySQL servers by pointing your browser to: http://:5555 By default, MONyog listens on port 5555. There is no default password. Of course, the port and password are configurable. Please refer to the section "2. Configuring MONyog in Linux" for details. The 'service' command can be used to start/stop MONyog. The details about how to start/stop MONyog can be found in section: "3. START/STOP MONyog". 1.2 Other systems (such as systems like SUSE, Ubuntu, etc): ----------------------------------------------------------- To install MONyog on these systems the .tar.gz (tarball) package should be used. After downloading the package, the following command can be used to extract: $ tar -xf .tar.gz This will extract the package contents to the directory "MONyog/". Details about how to start/stop MONyog can be found in section: "3. START/STOP MONyog". =============================================================================== 2. Configuring MONyog on Linux =============================================================================== MONyog port and password are configurable through "MONyog.ini". If MONyog was installed from the RPM package, MONyog.ini can be found in: /usr/local/MONyog If MONyog is extracted from the tarball (.tar.gz package), MONyog.ini can be found in the directory where MONyog was extracted. The content of this file looks like: [GENERAL] port=5555 password=mypasswd NOTE: MONyog should be stopped before editing this file, and restarted once changes are saved. =============================================================================== 3. START/STOP MONyog =============================================================================== 3.1 Redhat/Fedora systems: -------------------------- In Redhat and Fedora systems if MONyog was installed from the RPM package, the daemon script 'MONyogd' can be used to start/stop the server. This script is installed in the directory "/etc/init.d/". You can use one of the following commands to start MONyog: # service MONyogd start or, # /etc/init.d/MONyogd start Similarly, to stop MONyog: # service MONyogd stop or, # /etc/init.d/MONyogd stop To check whether MONyog is running, use: # service MONyogd status By default in these systems MONyog will be started automatically even after a system restart. 3.2 Other systems (such as systems like SUSE, Ubuntu, etc): ----------------------------------------------------------- This section applies only if you have extracted MONyog from the tarball (.tar.gz package). There is a shell script named "MONyog" in the directory "MONyog/bin". For example if MONyog has been extracted to "~/MONyog/", you can start MONyog by typing: $ ~/MONyog/bin/MONyog start Similarly, to stop: $ ~/MONyog/bin/MONyog stop =============================================================================== 4. Upgrading to latest version of MONyog =============================================================================== 4.1 Redhat/Fedora systems: -------------------------- If you are using the RPM package on these systems, it is very easy to upgrade to the latest version of MONyog. All you need to do, after downloading the latest RPM package, is execute the command: # rpm -Uvh .rpm And you are done. 4.2 Other systems (such as systems like SUSE, Ubuntu, etc): ----------------------------------------------------------- If you are using the tarball (.tar.gz package), stop the MONyog daemon/service. Refer to section (3.2) for more details on how to stop MONyog. Then extract the new tarball into the same direcory where the previous version of MONyog was extracted. Start the MONyog daemon again.
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